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Critiques (1 115)


Microbe et Gasoil (2015) 

anglais If I were still in school, I would appreciate this pleasant road movie much more than now, when I am approaching 50. I can vividly imagine how thrilled I would be by the occasionally dramatic journey of two teenage boys revolving around a garden shed. The problem I see primarily is that it ultimately becomes the main asset of the film, while all the plot diversions sort of fizzle out, and despite occasional humor, it becomes quite boring. The ending is quite good, though.


Les Combattants (2014) 

anglais This all-round rough romance was incredibly appealing to me. It takes courage to fall in love with a girl who acts more like a guy most of the time. And although it didn't look like it at first, Arnaud did indeed have the courage. At the right moment, he decided to have the upper hand and Madeleine unwittingly succumbed to him. The central couple played by Kevin Azaïs and Adèle Haenel was very nice to look at, and they performed the mismatched couple more than convincingly. At every turn, the original story is superbly complemented by fresh dialogues, and humorous moments have their indispensable place here. The music goes hand in hand with the pace of the story, and I can't overlook the beautiful natural locations either. All in all, I had a great time with it and didn't suffer from boredom at any point, so I'm ready to... give it a full score.


Les Fantômes d'Ismaël (2017) 

anglais This film offers a slightly confusing, yet very interesting intertwining of human destinies. The love triangle portrayed by Charlotte Gainsbourg, Mathieu Amalric, and Marion Cotillard carries the story remarkably effectively. I'd see the convincing performances of the actors in the same order. Not for nothing does the whole narrative close with Charlotte, whose impassioned beauty combined with talent, perhaps directly from God, I'll never stop admiring.


La Fille inconnue (2016) 

anglais Ambitious doctor Jenny feels responsible for the death of a young woman whom she refused to treat after hours in a fit of superiority over the more sensitive intern Julien. She gives up her promising career due to a sense of guilt by taking over a clinic for uninsured patients from the poorest and at the same time investigates on her own the identity of the girl who was violently killed. The vicissitudes she has to go through before reaching her desired goal, however, strip her of all illusions. A drama with a psychologically oppressive atmosphere that slips into more boring passages a few times, but it is still worth watching.


Mer eller mindre mann (2012) 

anglais The thirty-five-year-old Henrik behaves for the most part like a socially awkward loser, struck by some terrible curse, even though at the beginning of the story, he's quite a likable guy. Henrik's pregnant girlfriend, Tone, clearly cares a lot about him; otherwise, I can't explain why she gets really angry only in the last third of the movie. This sometimes almost perverse tragicomedy about a man who probably will never fully mature caught my attention right away, and not just because of the absolutely perfect portrayal by the central duo Henrik Rafaelsen and Janne Heltberg, but also because of the excellent music. The chosen songs perfectly suit the mood of each scene.


La Tortue Rouge (2016) 

anglais I don't particularly like animated films, but The Red Turtle both charmed and moved me. The story about the eternal cycle of life is very impressive, the animation is very good, and the music underscores the atmosphere wonderfully. For a moment, I found myself in another world... And everything I witnessed there was extremely pleasing to my senses.


Nocturama (2016) 

anglais It is certainly an interesting film, which from the very beginning keeps the viewer in suspense as to what will actually come from the events around the disparate young individuals. The middle passage in the department store drags a bit, but it is probably necessary for the final twenty minutes to have the right punch, thanks to the appropriately heavy atmosphere. The film is quite clearly a reflection on a hot topic of our time, which pits the welfare of the Western world and the issue of immigration against each other. Although it glides lightly over the surface and provides almost no explanations, surprisingly it's more than enough. Let everyone make up their own minds.


Tournée (2010) 

anglais I didn't like the beginning very much, but gradually I think I got used to the characters in the story and to a certain plot fragmentation. The not-so-successful producer didn't really win me over, but I quite liked Mimi. I was a bit annoyed by the whiny nature of some of the scenes, but there were a few funny situations or allusions to the unpleasant reality of bankrupt lives. (65%)


Jeune & jolie (2013) 

anglais An unflinching look at the sexuality of a 17-year-old girl. She may have grown up too fast for my taste, but let's face it, who among us didn't experiment in some way when we were her age? The plot twist in the middle of the story, caused by the sudden death of Isabella's client during coitus, snapped me out of my lethargy and I started to watch the film much more closely, which lasted until the very end. I appreciate that François Ozon doesn't try to moralize and leaves it purely up to the viewer to judge how to deal with not only Isabelle's somewhat promiscuous behavior.


Unknown Soldier (2017) 

anglais I've seen a few war movies, even those from the Nordic productions, but Unknown Soldier was quite a disappointment for me. The battle scenes are really well-shot, no doubt about that, but the film lacks a more prominent storyline, and it loses a lot due to its drawn-out nature. Watching almost three hours of nothing but war, with no chance to form an emotional connection to at least one character, didn't excite me. On the other hand, from a historical point of view, the film has undeniable value and it is certainly good that it was made at all.