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Critiques (7 554)


After Life - Episode 1 (2022) (épisode) 

anglais The third season's first episode didn't quite reach the quality of the series' best episodes, but I was expecting worse. Tony made me laugh quite a few times, all the while resonating with my own opinions. I share his view that individuals who persistently try to help others despite active resistance can be downright unbearable. However, the true standout of the entire episode was the writer, publisher, and psychic all rolled into one. Excerpts from her work almost made me laugh my head off. / Lesson learned: Do not overwater a cactus.


Cluedo (1985) 

anglais This movie reminded me of similarly conceived British movies, fluctuating between three and four stars on my rating scale. The level of humor varied, with occasional significant drops but also reaching quite high levels at times. Ultimately, I settled on a weaker four-star rating, and I can't deny that the high-quality cast played a significant role in swaying my decision. Tim Curry was particularly impressive in his role, but the rest of the cast didn't disappoint either, and the casting choices played an important role. To sum it up, the movie wasn't flawless and didn't blow me away, but it did significantly improve my mood. / "You like Kipling, Miss Scarlet?"  "Sure. I'll eat anything." / "Three murders?" "Six altogether." "This is getting serious." / Lesson learned: There are moments in life when a person can't even trust themselves. 4*-


Šťastný nový rok 2: Dobro došli (2021) Boo !

anglais A sequel to a bad movie usually doesn't lead to improvement but rather goes the opposite way. This holds absolutely true for this movie. To be frank, it didn't even feel like a movie. It played out like a series of disjointed scenes, lacking even the cohesiveness of a (terrible) story. All the while, I couldn't help feeling that Croatians might have financed this farce as bait for Czech and Slovak tourists. In that case, this ninety-minute commercial served its purpose because the beauty of Croatia was the only redeeming factor for me. The story was practically nonexistent. The wedding in Croatia wasn't the real focus. The dialogues were truly desperate, and during the "humorous" scenes, I found myself yearning to be there so I could bang my head against the rocks. The word I'm looking for is "pathetic," and the only thing that put me in a good mood was when I gave it a Boo! rating. / Lesson learned: If you're looking for a thrill, try bouncing on a trampoline in a hang-glider.


Scrubs - Mon amie du 3ème age (2001) (épisode) 

anglais The fourth episode didn't quite do it for me, even though the Janitor did his best. The others left him hanging, and he struggled without their support. Granted, real hospitals aren't usually fun places, and I don't mind acknowledging that. However, I still believe that a sitcom should primarily focus on humor. When it takes a more serious turn, it shouldn't just be tugging at your heartstrings. / Lesson learned: Be decisive.


Aranyélet (2015) (série) 

anglais An intriguing Hungarian look into the life of a less-than-law-abiding family. In my view, it turned out great. The first season delivered the best plot, the second season had the best opening credits, and the third, while the weakest, still held up well. However, the Hungarians fell into the same trap as the Romanians in Umbre (TV series) (2014). With each subsequent season, they tried to introduce something extra, which wasn't the best idea, making the show gradually lose its original credibility. / Lesson learned: Crime is wrong, but when you get to pack euros into quarter-ton bundles, it makes you think...


Aranyélet - Season 3 (2018) (saison) 

anglais I have mixed feelings about the third season, as the individual episodes led to the widest range of ratings I've ever given since watching this series. Except for the seventh episode, none of the others outright disappointed me. Some pleased me, while others were, unfortunately, mediocre. Things somehow settled down in the end; however, the third season was the weakest for me because the creators stretched it too much, and I prefer the original minimalism. / Lesson learned: Appetite comes with eating, so let's not turn it into a luxurious feast. 3*+


Aranyélet - Karma (2018) (épisode) 

anglais I'm not very fond of series where the protagonist isn't exactly a good guy because the creators often decide on a fairy-tale ending, perfectly ruining their prior efforts—much like they did with  Dexter (twice!). So, I was pleasantly surprised when I discovered that this show took a different approach. I wanted to give it three stars, but I had to add a fourth for the original conclusion. / Lesson learned: Physiotherapy can work miracles (personal experience).


Aranyélet - Dolgozni rémes (2018) (épisode) 

anglais Childbirth has apparently become a fun family event, where the extended family gathers to support the mother with their presence, offer various advice from the internet, and enthusiastically take photos and videos throughout. While I have noticed this trend, it doesn't mean I ever desire to be a part of it. However, Hungarian filmmakers ignored my wish and subjected me to almost fifty minutes of complicated and action-packed home birth. At times, the absurdity reached levels that had me laughing out loud. Otherwise, it was a "masterpiece" in which all secrets were revealed and all misunderstandings explained in a casual way. In other words, / Lesson learned: Always bring the keys to an expensive car for childbirth.


Aranyélet - Csak a hülyék folytatják a palávert, ha tudják, utána jön a pofon (2018) (épisode) 

anglais The episode was eventful, no doubt about it, but it didn't draw me in as much as the previous one. Nonetheless, the creators crafted a decent atmosphere, introduced several intriguing twists, and maintained a sense of humor — especially when they transformed Mira into G. I. Jane. This episode also proved wrong all those who claim that you can't be sure of anything in life. You can always be sure that someone will betray you.


Aranyélet - Jégkocka (2018) (épisode) 

anglais It annoys me how, in almost every American action movie, a woman weighing around a hundred pounds fights a tough six-foot guy and ends up winning the fight. That's why I was genuinely pleased with the fifth episode. Mira, whom I had only negative remarks about in the third season so far, really blew me away. This was pure hopelessness and coincidence. Except for that Turkish execution, of course. I also liked the rest of the episode, so I'm giving it five stars. / Lesson learned: When you have the monkey's paw, be careful what you wish for.