Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Horreur
  • Drame
  • Comédie
  • Action
  • Thriller / Suspense

Journal (22)



Měla jsem jenom sen...

Čím temnější je tma, tím světlejší jsou hvězdy...

Trick... or Treat

Trick or Treat, looking for some friends to meet...


Forced into a place that never felt like home... And if it takes me here then where is there left to go? 

From Dust to the Beyond

„Nevieme o sebe nič." 

The Witch

...there's evil in the wood... 

Humanity's Tragedy

They wanna make us believe...In everything that they preach... Manipulate our trust... To feed the virus in us...

Black 🖤

I look at you, you look at me... You see this world is black... Whatever makes you look at me... You're looking back... But you can never understand what you have never seen...


There’s a hole from here to hell... Fall deep and find no peace... In the sea of tragic beasts...



Echo of Souls

Cold sand and stone
Smoke from distance
Crushing waves
Fire hard to reach
Mourn the days

the Hell and the Beauty

This place, brings us suffering... can't breath and wake up, no one stares up.
Calling and weeping for the stars.


This world doesn't exist, it's like a bad dream and you can't wake up from it...


Only time will tell...


I'll always be a stranger... I'll never get your respect... I'll never be one of yours I know... I'll always be the odd one out I know 

Us Against December Skies

And so I smiled at you If I never shed a tear for you Cause alone from the heart You can touch the sky


I understood myself only after I destroyed myself. And only in the process of fixing myself, did I know who I really was...


Šialenstvo je deštrukcia, nevyjasnená hra úzkosti, zúfalstva, hrôzy a utrpenia. No aj v tejto gehenne sa vyskytujú svetlé chvíle. Iluminácie.

Blázon je v šialenstve celkom pohrúžený. Žije ním a výžíva sa v ňom - lebo jemu sa svet úplne premenil, všeličo v ňom nadobudlo celkom nový, nikdy predtým netušený hrozivý význam. Je plný radostných alebo hrozivých nezvyčajností... 

„I have seen the Bird of Paradise, she has spread herself before me and I shall never be the same again..."

The Shadowing

The price we pay...through the eyes and the mind of a broken man, it's here to stay, confined in all...

Human Target

Unholy masochists
Feeding on the weak, population control
They will devour us
Excess consumption, life reduction
We're so cowardice
We want the kill but we won't pull the trigger...