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Critiques (3 613)


Namalovaná písnička (1976) 

anglais I would give this animated film 4 stars, but as a documentary, it is a bit too lyrical, drawn out, and lacking in information, although fans of animated creations may still find it charming. Overall impression: 45%.


Kamenáč Bill a jeho přepevné laso (1972) 

anglais The plot is, as usual, quite funny, but this time the visuals and the animation don't impress me. Both are too simple and you can't always blame it on when it was made. Overall impression: 40%.


Dead Like Me (2009) 

anglais I wouldn't say that the full-length film expands the world of the equally successful series, as it rather sponges it a little bit. Sure, why not make more money from this phenomenon? But the script is unconvincing and resembles a more extensive episode of a series rather than a coherent full-length film that would justify its existence. Additionally, two actors from the original cast are noticeably missing, and it feels like a diluted version of the series. Overall impression: 45%.


Hunger (2008) 

anglais Hunger is a film that feels absolutely convincing, evokes exactly the emotions it wants to evoke, and is economical in its expression. It is told through imagery and the only crucial dialogue between the hunger striker and the prison chaplain is a delight in how many layers, connotations, probing, and information it contains. This drama can provide a complete picture of the problem in a reasonable duration of 95 minutes and literally engulf the viewer. The theme of torment, and frustration of prisoners and guards who are limited by political guidelines from people who have no real idea about the actual situation and no intention of dealing with it far away in parliament. It is a battle of willpower, ideology, ideas, sacrifice, intimidation, and strength. A controversial film that is not for everyone. Overall impression: 95%.


Le Limier (1972) 

anglais Sleuth cannot hide its theatrical roots because it is a matter of two players with a lot of dialogue and the setting of a magnificent noble residence. It is a sophisticated game of cat and mouse, enjoyed especially by fans of classical detective stories. The encounter between the two men initially carries the spirit of pretended friendship, but false tones gradually penetrate, and the viewer feels that trouble is brewing. The question is who will be the winner in this strategic game on several levels. The plot has several surprising twists and until the last moment, the viewer remains in suspense, although an experienced fan can guess where this game is heading. It is a film based on the principle of a game, where one of the two opponents is directly obsessed with a player's passion that goes beyond what is normally tolerated. At the same time, it is a film about the rivalry of social classes, where a member of the old aristocratic elite feels threatened by an ambitious nobody from the middle class. This crime thriller has more of a light-hearted spirit and occasionally slips into a parody of classic British detective stories. It is excellently cast, acted, and set in a perfectly functioning environment with plenty of props typical of a classic detective story. Overall impression: 90%.


L'Arbre du désir (1976) 

anglais I remember Abuladze's cult film Repentance from the mid-80s completely differently than how most film fans review it, and I consider those crowds of moviegoers who nodded approvingly as victims of mass hysteria. This is because Abuladze operates in the realm of heavy art, which can only be consumed by a small elite of film connoisseurs who can appreciate what is hopelessly hidden from us ordinary mortals. Occasionally, an acquaintance invites me to the theater to see an opera, but I politely decline because I don't want to find out from printed information what I actually watched. I fell asleep eight times during The Wishing Tree, and constantly rewinding the DVD exhausted me more than digging a trench. I give it 1 star for the camera work and exotic images, but beyond that, it is a festival film that is unusable for the average viewer. Overall impression: 25%.


Le Cuisinier, le voleur, sa femme et son amant (1989) 

anglais Peter Greenaway is a very peculiar filmmaker who irresistibly attracts refined aesthetes, countless film connoisseurs, and a numerous army of snobs (no offense, I know that you belong to the first two categories), while the average moviegoer shrugs and doesn't know what to make of his works. Greenaway doesn't so much make films as he stages images. Considered on their own, they can be regarded as the pinnacle of aesthetics, but it's all terribly stylized, pretentious, and detached from reality. The story itself is not important at all, and I think it would be better to visit a gallery rather than watch over 2 hours of a self-indulgent decadent plaything. The craftsmanship, meaning the set with plenty of clever details, the camera, and the cast, are worth 2 stars and a 40% overall impression. The rest is beyond me...


À cinq heures de l'après-midi (2003) 

anglais A classic festival film that works better in a film club venue or at a specialized festival rather than on a television screen as a way to fill free time for entertainment. Like most films from the Middle East and Central Asia, this drama is not based on an interesting plot, but rather on the exotic setting and atmosphere of absurdity provided by a different culture, standards, and values. Additionally, in its field, it can serve as self-awareness for women and support for their social status. The main protagonist dreams of better education and self-realization, even considering the idea of obtaining a high position in government administration. Her father is a typical uneducated religious fanatic and the country is torn apart by civil war, so any attempts at social advancement are truly just an illusion. It's not about the story here, but rather a series of sometimes impressive scenes, like when the heroine looks for water in a bullet-riddled gigantic palace and the viewer listens to the drops of water falling and experiences the tension of whether she will step on a landmine or will get lucky again. Overall impression: 55%.


Protektor (2009) 

anglais I can't say that I didn't like the movie outright, but I also can't say that I was enthusiastic about it in any way. In my opinion, it is a purely average film, and, due to the lack of funds and perhaps even the filmmaker's creativity, it feels more like a TV film. The theme of the Protectorate and the motive of the Jewish genocide contribute to this, but these concepts have been used many times in the past, and often better. All that is left for me is to sigh - if this is one of the most acclaimed post-November films and according to many enthusiastic comments even one of the peaks, then the state of Czech cinema is even more serious than I thought. Jana Plodková is interesting and unfamiliar, and her stylization of the character of a First Republic film star is quite convincing, but that is not enough for a great film experience. Overall impression: 60%.


Les Invasions barbares (2003) 

anglais The contradictory evaluation of this film is due to the theme of aging, dying, and balancing life, which is inherently distant for most FilmBooster users due to their age. Moreover, the genre in which Arcand operates, psychological drama lightened with a series of tragicomic moments, cannot be as much of a box-office hit as classic entertainment genres. Some objections to the film are indeed valid. It does feel like a TV film and is based on dialogue, which means that the visual aspect falls behind. Not to mention that, given the intellectual focus of most characters, some of their debates slide into unproductive and disconnected conversations, which the director and screenwriter try to use as one of the satirical jabs. Additionally, some of the motifs used, such as searching for heroin at a police station, are really "out of place" and seem to have come from another film from the crazy comedy genre. On the other hand, if one accepts the subject matter and the given situation, the film is truly an impressive look at a dying person and their loved ones. In a way, The Barbarian Invasions can be used as a metaphor for the entire contemporary Western world, where ideas of continuous progress and advancement, solving fundamental societal problems through ideologies, etc., are dying. The professor, as a staunch leftist, who devoted a significant part of his life to promoting various "isms," at the end of his journey is confronted with the desperate condition of state hospitals full of bureaucracy, incompetence, and corruption. His son has to bribe his students to come and visit their teacher, thus providing him with the illusion of interest. The man, who prides himself on his knowledge of culture and literature, must bitterly witness the fact that his offspring, who has not read a single book in his life and spends time playing video games, earns more in a few days than he does in a whole year. Essentially, it is an interesting film with decent performances, and if one overlooks the aforementioned flaws, they will be rewarded with a decent experience. Overall impression: 75%.