Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Action
  • Horreur
  • Drame
  • Comédie
  • Thriller / Suspense

Critiques (2 473)


Narcos - Season 3 (2017) (saison) 

anglais I admit that at first I was worried that without Escobar the series wouldn't have enough balls (the first two episodes even hinted at that), but from the 3rd episode onwards Narcos again became a frantic ride and the hunt for the four godfathers of the Cali Cartel, where everyone had something to offer. The new DEA agents are not as likable as the previous pair, at least Pedro Pascal is still there. Strong, twisted, brutal, and above all interestingly informative. 95%


Alibi.com (2017) 

anglais Philippe Lacheau as director, writer and actor for the third time and once again excellent. The actors are exactly the same as in his previous films, and it's great to see a bunch of friends who really like each other and go crazy together in the movies. The premise is very original, there are plenty of funny situations, more than enough twists and turns, but overall it's one big crazy adrenaline ride that doesn't pull any punches. Quite possibly the funniest comedy of the year and the French rock again. 95%


Blade Runner 2049 (2017) 

anglais Unfortunately, this one missed me. I turned off the old Blade Runner halfway through and it would have turned out the same had I watched this one at home. I consider Denis Villeneuve to be a very promising and skilled director, Sicario with Prisoners are among my favorite films, but I find Blade Runner 2049 unrewarding as an audience member. Visually, of course, it's a treat and makes you want to take a camera and photograph a every single scene. Ryan Gosling was a good fit for the lead role, but that's probably all there is to it. The vaunted Harrison Ford shows up 30 minutes before the end, a time when you are tired and exhausted, Jared Leto as the bad guy is there 10 minutes overall, which is perhaps one of the biggest problems, because a good bad guy makes a good movie. The R-rating is very underused, there are no twists and the action makes up about 15 minutes of the 163 minute running time, well no wonder 5 people left the theater and if I wasn't an proper movie fan I probably would have left too. Too artsy, surreal and dreamy, it almost gave me hemorrhoids from the constant changes of positions in my seat! 45%


Museum (2016) 

anglais A decent affair for Japan. It's a whodunit that follows the trail of Se7en about a serial killer with a frog mask. I like the reason why he wears the frog mask and also why he chooses his victims, everything has a logical reason, which I thought was cool. The actual execution of the murders is not shown, rather the "climax" of the murders is still rather bizzarely shown. The downside is the longer running time, but I didn't get to any significant boredom. Decent and also very nicely shot, which is unusual for the Japanese. 65%


Jaesim (2017) 

anglais I didn't enjoy New Trial very much, unfortunately. It annoyed me that there is no trial, and I don't find the retrospective gathering of evidence attractive at all. Nothing happens in the film to please my eyes and so I had a hard time finishing it. Uninteresting and without violence. 50%


La Baby-Sitter (2017) 

anglais Another variation on Home Alone like the recent Better Watch Out, and it succeeded just as well. Better Watch Out focused more on story and twists, whereas The Babysitter focuses mainly on gore and humour, so both score points with me, although seeing them all together in one film would have been even more of a kick. The film is nicely shot, very sexy, decently suspenseful and above all very gory, the deaths are impressive and will please the eye of many a horror fan. Definitely one of the best horror comedies this year. 75%


Rakka (2017) 

anglais Great idea and decently made, only it somehow fizzles out into the void because of the open ending, something I couldn’t have done without. 65%


Freaky Friday dans la peau de ma mère (2003) 

anglais A pleasantly wacky comedy about the relationship between a mother and daughter who swap bodies after visiting a Chinese restaurant. The idea is brilliant and it makes for a number of funny and offbeat situations. I had fun. 75%.


Sin Nombre (2009) 

anglais I’m not all that familiar with Cary Fukunaga’s work, I've only seen Beasts of no Nation, and Sin Nombre is a similarly themed film, also featuring kids from a gritty setting. Mexico, refugees and Mexican gangs is quite a hot topic, so the very interesting story with some gritty scenes, especially the finale, is very intense and unexpected. I'm satisfied I had fun. 80%.


Zygote (2017) 

anglais Neill Blomkamp proves with this short that he still has it in him and shows what an Alien film directed by him could look like. Zygote is reminiscent of The Thing, but in a modern package, and has a solid atmosphere and a perfect central monster that not only looks great, but the way it works and what it can do is absolutely perfect. I'm praying he makes a feature film with this theme. Even from the introduction where they write the crew numbers 100, it's clear that we would be in for the ultimate sci-fi massacre with 98 dead bodies, which sounds like a dream come true. 80%