Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Drame
  • Comédie
  • Action
  • Horreur
  • Animation

Critiques (10 817)


Shark Lake (2015) 

anglais Well, that was quite a disappointment. Not necessarily in terms of the story, as the film actually had some decent ideas, but more in terms of execution, which was at times really dreadful. This is what it looks like when digital effects are used too much. Even Dolph Lundgren, who is often enough to make me happy, couldn't save the film for me.


Tous les autres s'appellent Ali (1974) 

anglais A beautiful film about how love can flourish at any age and regardless of who the lovers are or who the ones in love are. This is a film without sex, and it really benefits from it. Furthermore, it beautifully portrays how the love between two people can be a thorn in the side for others, as they live only to judge and hold prejudices. The scenes are breathtakingly powerful.


Partisan (2015) 

anglais A pretty powerful film that really tries to portray itself as a big movie, yet the experience of watching the story unfold is quite a good one. There are a lot of interesting aspects to the story, which are worthwhile in their own right. The art form is often to the detriment, which bothered me a bit and I didn't enjoy the film as much.


Operator (2015) 

anglais A classic, fairly average film in a genre that's relatively saturated, but still, you might glance at it now and then because it's just nice to relax and not think about anything. In this case, it's a relatively action-packed B-movie thriller that has interesting characters, especially in the form of Ving Rhames, who is once again pretty demonic.


Cartel Land (2015) 

anglais As a documentary, it's interesting in that it combines classic documentary interviews with what actually happened and footage from the events. It's very harsh in places, which I definitely think is a very important aspect of the work. It's truly unpleasant to show things as they are. But overall, I wasn't that interested in the documentary and the subject matter didn't impress me.


Chasseurs de frissons (1999) (téléfilm) 

anglais Considering the theme it tackles - time travel - it's quite good until you discover the truth about the story. It's occasionally suspenseful, and I almost thought it could be a pretty good episode of a series where you'd develop a relationship with the two main characters. Otherwise, it doesn't stand out in any special way.


La Dame en noir 2 : L'ange de la mort (2014) 

anglais Unfortunately, the film suffers from the problem of sequels, where the creators attempt the same thing, just with slightly different characters. But in the end, they realize that it's always something different, and something is missing from it. This is basically a Japanese horror movie in an English setting, where it's just playing on the fact that some of the scenes are "really scary", but really they're just something you see all the time in horror movies and it's all a bit boring.


Le Shérif est en prison (1974) 

anglais Mel Brooks is simply a legend, and at times, he managed to create such great films with such great scenes that they rightfully earned their place in the history of world cinema, not just comedy. This is one of those films, and I'm glad I finally got to see it. The off-color humor is great.


La Vallée de Gwangi (1969) 

anglais The story is quite weak and essentially just copies, especially towards the end, what you could have seen in King Kong, but when you watch this, it's still a film that is all about - in terms of special effects - Ray Harryhausen, who once again showed that he was a brilliant master who brought creatures to life like no one else, even compared to digital effects.


Wiplala (2014) 

anglais For a family-oriented special effects film, it's quite good, and I'm glad that there are also classic effects, not just digital ones, although of course, the latter take precedence. The story is pretty simple, but the magic makes it... well, kind of magical. Once again it turns out that good films are made everywhere, and this time I'm glad I gave a Dutch one a chance.