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Critiques (10 821)


Trashsploitation (2018) 

anglais Trashsploitation doesn't surprise and it has nothing interesting in it, even the good stuff gets lost in all the quantity.


Au service de Satan (1972) 

anglais If you want a B-movie that doesn't play at being anything, wants to be a film that can captivate, even if some scenes are a bit lengthy, then I think the satanic horror Enter the Devil is the right choice for you. It's not great filmmaking, but there's an interesting setting, there are men in disguise, and there's also the message that the filmmakers were trying to convey. It’s not bad at all for its time.


Nocturne (2016) 

anglais If you like all horror films, you'll be able to handle the American film Nocturne. It's not terrible, but it's also a film that doesn't bring anything new to the table. It slipped into a classic pattern from which it did not emerge. You'll know exactly what's about to happen all the way to the end credits. I don’t claim that invention will save horror, but at least it would save us from constantly seeing the same thing repeated year after year.


Pod (2015) 

anglais The American horror film Pod is a film that won’t offend you in any way, and in fact it's decent, but it lacks that little something extra that would make me rate it as at least average. This way it's a pretty solid sub-average, but in the end you'll still end up remembering nothing much from the film. There are just too many of these types of horror films in the long run.


La Vampire Nue (1970) 

anglais In The Nude Vampire, Jean Rollin has made something that looks like a horror film, but it's really not. It's nudity combined with something darker. But Rollin wasn't really interested in the darkness and instead he focused on an artistic and poetic concept, which is evident in the cinematography, the slow shots, the interest in the female body and the interesting elements of the clothing. This perspective isn't bad, just don't expect a truly atmospheric horror film.


Hérédité (2018) 

anglais The American horror film Hereditary contains scenes that managed to completely blow me away. The film is not original in its story, but it is original in the scenes it creates and how the filmmakers were able to capture them. It's absolutely surreal in places in terms of what is going on and how it's done. This is a film that is definitely worth your attention, because films like this are not all that common.


The Maze (1953) 

anglais You can sense the 1950s in the American film The Maze. It has that particular B-movie quality, but you can also see the effort to give the viewer a specific experience, to really make him or her scared in the movie theater, even if the tools used to do so did not necessarily succeed at all costs. The effort was there, which counts, and the result is also worth your attention. The film does not offend even after more than sixty years.


Ghosthunters (2016) 

anglais The American ghost horror film Ghosthunters doesn't try to outdo itself in any way, it's not unnecessarily gory, and instead it's about capturing ghosts quite well, which it succeeds at. Unfortunately, in other respects the film doesn't have much to offer, and it pretty much walks the beaten path, even plot-wise, although you'd suspect at the beginning that it could get pretty escalated. It doesn’t, though.


Dead Rising (2015) 

anglais The horror film Dead Rising is not outright scary, but it has moments that could be considered as such. It's not a film that is extra gory, but there is gore and it's not bad. Then there's the story, which I didn't actually find tragic. Jesse Metcalfe is sometimes probably too likable an actor, but in this case I didn't mind all that much. It’s good B-movie fun.


Downhill (2016) 

anglais The Chilean-Canadian-French horror film Downhill relies heavily on being quite gory at the end, which actually suits it quite well. Yet the plot doesn't really stand out, it's a classic forest survival, the only advantage of which is that there are a few really quite ugly scenes that made me feel a bit sick. And then there's a lot of boredom and horror clichés. I won't give away what they do with the combination of redneck horror with another element, but it's not downright bad.