In the Wee Wee Hours...

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Court métrage / Documentaire
États-Unis, 1987, 20 min


Izak Ben-Meir


Izak Ben-Meir


Bruce Dorfman
(autres professions)


A journey into the nightlife of the homeless in Los Angeles. By means of direct confrontation with a world to which we would rather close our eyes, Izak Ben-Meir wants to stand up for more understanding and aid to those who are forced to expose themselves to the dangers of a life on the streets. The director lets the homeless themselves explain the vulnerability of their existence. The most important narrator is a Vietnam veteran who did not adjust to civil society after returning to the U.S.A. (It has been estimated that 30 to 70 percent of all homeless people are Vietnam veterans). Although this man was a prisoner of war during 7 years in North Vietnam, he says that no challenge in his life has been more difficult than surviving the 'war on the streets', because you do not know your enemy: "People will knife you for a paper bag to see what's in it". Ben-Meir's visual report leaves no room for doubt as to the seriousness of the stories. We see how distrust, fear and unpredictability can influence life completely. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)

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