Lieve K#ttelefoon

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Pays-Bas, 2014, 17 min


Like many teenage girls, Claudia has an intense love-hate relationship with her smartphone. “You make me happy, give me distraction, but sometimes you make me sad too,” she says in the voice-over. Her reflections on her phone, but especially about herself and her “not all that great” life, are the leitmotif in the story of this teenager. She feels alone and insecure, which is fed by the pictures of beautiful, successful and fun-loving friends on Instagram. The camera follows Claudia during a brief period in her life, visiting and going out with her friends – with their phones always playing an important role – and in atmospheric shots when she is alone with her phone. Together with Claudia, we dive into the world she has created herself, a virtual world consisting of her preferences and her Facebook likes, which is more real than life itself. It's no wonder that she's dreading going on vacation, for that means no Internet. Interestingly enough, that time without Wi-Fi turns out to be a breakthrough for Claudia. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
