VOD (1)


Pendant la Grande Dépression dans l'Arkansas, Bertha Thompson, une jeune fille ayant assisté à la mort accidentelle de son père provoquée par un employeur tyrannique, est réduite au vagabondage. Elle erre de ville en ville, au hasard des trains de marchandises qu'elle emprunte clandestinement, ce qui lui vaut le surnom de "Boxcar" (Fourgon à bestiaux). Elle fait bientôt la connaissance de Bill Shelly, un syndicaliste qui va lui inculquer le sens de la révolte. Tous deux deviennent des pilleurs de trains confirmés. (Mission)


Critiques (1)


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anglais If I first watched the film "Bertha from the Cattle Yard" without knowing who directed it, I would have never guessed that it was actually Martin Scorsese, whom I have recently been trying to watch and learn a little more about how films are made from his movies. I think that his works are a testament to how to work with film, especially from a technical point of view. Of course, the content is also important here, but when you watch how a creator started, you notice more about the tools they used and what it meant in the film. It seems that Scorsese was searching a lot in the beginning of his career. More information can be found at: http://www.filmovy-denik.cz/2013/03/bertha-z-dobytcaku-1972-55.html ()

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