Lady Time

Finlande, 2019, 60 min


What gives a human life meaning, and how does it live on after a person’s death? When filmmaker Elina Talvensaari moves into a new apartment in Helsinki, it still contains all the previous occupant’s furniture and personal belongings. The old lady died with nobody left to miss her, or to deal with her possessions. Talvensaari is scared by the idea of throwing everything away, because then all memory of the woman will be lost. She starts to investigate her predecessor - her name turns out to be Liisa - through the diaries, letters and 8mm films she finds in the apartment. Gradually, a long life unfolds, and the unknown woman slowly becomes a treasured friend, one who experienced both prosperity and adversity and ultimately was left alone. Talvensaari tenderly sets about honoring Liisa’s life, alternating biographical information with poetic images of her possessions. As Liisa’s face becomes increasingly familiar, our own affection for her grows as well. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)

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