
A unique cinematic experience created to inspire humankind into a new era, The Portal is about the ability for inner change to bring about a powerful planetary shift. Exploring the role crisis plays in our evolution - and the mental programs we’re born into - this experiential documentary brings to life the stories of six people who have used stillness and mindfulness to move beyond trauma. There is Ron ‘Booda’ Taylor - a retired US serviceman managing PTSD, Human Rights Expert Amandine Roche whose commitment to global peace took her on a quest for inner peace, Vietnamese refugee Due Quach who overcame developmental trauma through ‘mind hacking’, elite athlete Heather Hennessy who reinvented herself following a career-ending injury, Rabbi Ronnie Cahana who found freedom in the confines of a personal catastrophe, and neurosurgeon James R Doty MD who had to lose everything to find the meaning of life. (Abramorama Films)
