La Beauté animale

  • anglais Animal Beauty
France, 2012, 52 min


Alain Jaubert


Olivier Petitjean


Ever since the prehistory of art, the astonishing beauty of the animal world has never ceased to inspire artists. Animals have always been at the very centre of human cultures. They were gods for the Egyptians, evil devils in Medieval Europe, genies in ancient China, and the spirits of their ancestors for Africans.
Later artists, such as da Vinci, Géricault, Delacroix, Giacometti and Louise Bourgeois, who have all been haunted by certain animal figures, understood that the status of animals raises very real philosophical issues.
At a time when numerous species have disappeared, and others are threatened, the contemplation of animal-inspired works of art leads us to reflect on the place animals occupy in what defines humanity. (texte officiel du distributeur)


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