Lady of the Harbour

Pays-Bas / Chine, 2017, 90 min


Sean Wang


Sean Wang
(autres professions)


Suzanna Chen, a gutsy Chinese woman, arrived in Greece in the early 1990s. Her journey was by no means simple. Now, during the current migration crisis, she provides assistance to other people just arriving in Europe. She left China thirty years ago and arrived in Greece with the vision of a better life. Suzanna encountered many hardships during the illegal crossing of borders, but she also found unexpected generosity. Now it is her turn to express her thanks to her second home, and to improve the Greeks’ perception of China. With her Greek husband Takis, she leads a group of Chinese volunteers who help refugees – they help to navigate incoming boats, distribute blankets and dry clothing, and cook rice for the new arrivals. Quite often they run into absurd conflicts with the official aid system. This refreshing documentary about a Chinese community involved in helping immigrants offers a new point of view regarding the current humanitarian crisis, and even offers a few humorous moments. (One World)
