
  • Russie Хармс (plus)


Daniil Yuvachev was a Russian writer from the first half of the 20th century. He believed he was a genius. And perhaps he was. But the publishing houses of the time did not want to publish his short stories or poems. So he survived writing children’s books confined in his messy apartment, always on the verge of poverty. In spite of the bad times, Daniil Khrams -as he called himselfgot by in the same manner as the astonishing characters he created: by forging his own world, which had very little to do with reality. Arrogant, fond of scandals, haughty, a womanizer and convinced of his talent, he defied those who wanted to hear him in the literary encounters he used to frequent on the corners of Leningrad. (Mar del Plata International Film Festival)

