
Framed for the murder of an archaeologist with the keys to a fortune in ancient gold, government man Lightning Bill Carson has spent the last six years trying to bring Link Benson, the real killer, to justice. Forced into hiding, Carson roams the badlands under the guise of El Puma, a gun-slinging Mexican vigilante. Hot on Benson's trail, El Puma is hired by local lawmen to help protect the murdered professor's daughter Marian and her uncle Lucius in their renewed attempt to unearth the treasure. When Lucius is murdered, all the evidence points to El Puma. Unable to convince even his own best friend of his innocence, Carson sets out alone to stop Benson before the killer can locate the gold. Though born and raised in Michigan, Tim McCoy's cowboy credentials were excellent. Leaving college early to work on a Wyoming ranch, McCoy was an accomplished horseman, and after serving in World War I, became a Territorial Indian Agent. In fact, it was his assistance in providing American Indian actors for a motion picture that first brought him to Hollywood, where he would soon successfully step in front of the cameras himself. (texte officiel du distributeur)



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