Pavel Wonka Commits to Cooperate

  • Tchéquie Pavel Wonka se zavazuje
Extrait du film


Pavel Wonka was a political prisoner of the communist régime in Czechoslovakia. In 1992, the Lidove Noviny dailies published a story, including a testimony by a former communist secret police collaborator, who described in detail Wonka's cooperation with the secret police in the 1980s. The story caused a stir among public since Wonka, who had died in prison in 1988, had-until then-been considered a man of integrity, an opponent and fighter against the communist regime. Wonka's original, hand-written commitment to the collaboration was published later. Ever since his case has never been discussed in public. Twenty years have passed and Wonka´s name appeared in the names of street and a bridge in various Czech towns. This year, the Czech president even bestowed a state decoration to him in memoriam. (texte officiel du distributeur)


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