After the Tone

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Pays-Bas / Slovaquie / Indonésie, 2014, 85 min


A daring project by seasoned (documentary) director Digna Sinke: we don’t see a single one of the protagonists. In fact, there is no interaction between the characters in the film at all. All the dialogue consists of messages left on the voicemail of Onno - the person everything is about and whose voice we never even hear. Onno is conspicuous by his absence: he suddenly disappeared, leaving people behind in confusion, fury and despair. Through the messages left for him, we slowly start building up a picture of Onno, of the relationships the different speakers have with him and what he means to them: his professional partner, his mother, his sister, his girlfriend, his phantom ex-lover. The footage accompanying the voice-overs is of the places that belong to the relevant voices: a container dock, suburban open space, water surrounded by waving reeds, an office building, motorway, the car park of a mega-store. (International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam)
