
  • Grande-Bretagne Grigris

VOD (1)


Alors que sa jambe paralysée devrait l'exclure de tout, Grigris, 25 ans, se rêve en danseur. Un défi. Mais son rêve se brise lorsque son beau-père tombe gravement malade. Pour le sauver, il décide de travailler pour des trafiquants d'essence... (Les Films du Losange)

Vidéo (1)


Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A bit of a social drama, a bit of a love film, and a bit of an uncritical fairy tale. He has one thin leg, terrible things are happening to him, so please excuse him for sometimes acting like a weasel... and then wish him a little luck - he dances nicely and the city has ruined him, the countryside will fix everything. Tonally, it’s very mysterious African drollery, which is saved by the director's well-known skill and, unlike A Screaming Man, it is also basically a comedic conclusion, which is crazy and more bearable than anything that would stink of roughness and realism. I guess I have no talent for this kind of compassionate viewing. Especially when Haroun obviously has both film legs working in order. ()

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