
Il est impossible d'échapper à l'amour et ... à Noël. Cette comédie romantique, drôle, irrésistible et émouvante, vous emmènera dans un voyage à couper le souffle à travers les méandres et les rebondissements de l'amour. Le scénario suit la vie de cinq hommes et cinq femmes aux prises avec leur vie amoureuse compliquée et dont les destins se croisent en cette journée très spéciale de l'année. Souvent comparé à « Love Actually », Letters to Santa a battu des records d'audience en Pologne, attirant plus de 2,5 millions spectateurs (deuxième meilleur résultat des 10 dernières années) (CinEast)


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Critiques (4)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Letters to Santa is pure, crystal-clear kitsch that needs to be taken with the necessary perspective and combined with the atmosphere of Christmas, where love, friendship, understanding, and forgiveness organically belong. A dysfunctional family finds their way back to each other on Christmas Eve, two lonely people fall in love, an orphan finds a new family, and an irresponsible dandy takes on his paternal and partnership responsibilities. Everything fits together perfectly, and in the end, everyone is happy. Letters to Santa is actually a cheap Central European version of Love Actually without the overpaid international stars and celebrities. By version I mean not in terms of literal copying of the plot, but of style. Perhaps it relies a bit more on sentiment and the presence of children. Love Actually, in addition, seemed to me more comically lively. It has nothing to do with real life, but the film has a sense of perspective and comfort, so I don't mind the naivety and oversweetness. Watch this film instead of having a bowl of Christmas sweets, and if nothing else, at least you won't gain weight... Overall impression: 75%. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Who would have said that the biggest Christmas movie surprise of 2013 will be this Polish film? It’s something of a Central European answer to Love Actually, even though it’s quite different. The only thing that is the same is the basic frame of the story and the fact that this story is about several people whose fates intersect by accident. Letters to Santa is a very nice movie. Sometimes it shows life in quite a harsh way, but this is how it is and it only adds realism to the film. I must say that I didn’t find any weak spots in this movie. Almost every character was perfect. By the way, I find Polish actresses one level prettier than our Czech ones. ()



Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais A nice Christmas movie with the most laughs during the snowball attack. Otherwise it's a pretty sad film, despite the idealistic ending. I'm not sure if it evokes Christmas cheer, but at least you end up hearing good music to go with the "drama". ()

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