Tajemství podzemní továrny v Chebu

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From time immemorial people haveloved a good mystery and enigma.The Second World War andGermany's secret militaryprogrammes to save the Third Reichare fertile ground for the rise of thesemyths. The underground factory inCheb is surrounded by severalmysteries that persist until now. Butwhat is the actual truth? What is themost modern aeronautical factory onthe territory of the former Egerlandhiding? Were German disc aircraftreally manufactured here? What is thetruth behind the secret tunnels leadingall the way to neighbouring Germany?Did the underground factory reallyhave eight floors? We faced thesequestions at the beginning of manydays of our research. We visitedCheb's former aeronautical factory forten years in order to find the answers.And now the time has finally come forthe myths to end and the truth tocome forward. (texte officiel du distributeur)


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