
Karen has left her husband after ten years of marriage. Basically, so she tells him later, they were never right for each other. She wants to make a fresh start, find out who she is – or could be. But beyond the emotional issues this step raises first and foremost practical questions: Karen has no job, no friends, and hardly any money. She gets by somehow and meets Patricia, a hairdresser, at the cheap flophouse where she has landed. With her younger and at first glance stronger friend by her side, Karen takes her first steps towards independence and meets Eduardo, a writer. A woman on a journey of self-discovery. What is the driving desire behind her actions? At which point has one found oneself? How easy is it to mix up what other people expect with what you actually want? How much loneliness can we bear? When do we stop making compromises for the sake of a conventional notion of security and stability? In describing the small steps that Karen makes, Gabriel Rojas Vera focuses on the character's inner life rather than the external drama. With great sympathy for his characters he tells a little story that touches on big questions. (Berlinale)
