

Le naufrage du Titanic emporte les deux héritiers du domaine de Downton Abbey. Son propriétaire, Robert Crawley, comte de Grantham, n'a que des filles, et aucune ne peut prétendre à sa succession. C'est donc un lointain cousin, Matthew Crawley, qui va hériter du domaine. La famille accueille avec suspicion son arrivée. Un autre nouveau-venu, John Bates, ancien soldat, compagnon d'arme du comte de Grantham, dérange aussi le petit monde des domestiques. (Groupe Canal+)


Critiques (2)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais It really hasn't been easy to give this series a chance, but years later, after the hype had died down, I found some time for Downton Abbey. I don't particularly go for "good old England," but this is a little extended arm of The Forsyte Saga, The Remains of the Day, and Gosford Park, so it's not all that unique. It's just a nice relaxing nothing. If you like to spend time in the early 20th century, you won't mind this. Next time, feel free to read the same genre in book form and maybe you'll understand the magic of light period reading. ()


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice (pour cette série)

anglais I don't quite understand the huge popularity of Downton Abbey, but after the first two not-very-engaging episodes, I decided to give the series another chance and so far, I don't regret it. If for nothing else, then mainly because of the character portrayed with grace and elegance by Maggie Smith. I enjoy her performances immensely, and I almost always have a great time with the sarcastic remarks she makes in between her speeches. My admiration also goes to the set and the period costumes. Overall, I see it as a kind of relaxing romance with elements of drama for lovers of times long gone. ()


Photos (232)