Un papa très spécial

  • États-Unis Mr. Troop Mom
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Depuis la mort de son épouse, Eddie Serrano se retrouve seul pour élever sa fille de 13 ans, Naomi. Très occupé par son travail, il décide d'encadrer un camp de vacances dans lequel se rend sa fille, dans le but de se rapprocher d'elle. Mais les randonnées en pleine nature et les parties de canoë promettent bien des surprises à ce papa dévoué. (texte officiel du distributeur)


Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais That this is a shitty movie must be clear to everybody from the very start. Nevertheless, the fact that this is such a shitty movie caused that I had to stop painting my living room to be able to watch it closely. Because otherwise I wouldn’t have believed it. The best thing about the movie was that none of the actors could act at all. And on top of that, George Lopez acted as if he had just left the insane asylum. On the other hand, you could see that the movie doesn’t take itself too seriously. So, I eventually switched from “Boo!” to a two-star review. It was so terribly stupid that I got to laugh pretty hard a couple of times. And as it often is with these American family movies of the Hannah Montana persuasion, the ending was the most embarrassing/funny. That’s because everything ended with such a happy ending that I almost started shitting rainbows. You see, George the parent not only managed to handle everything, he even got an ultra-cool teenage band to perform for the kids, which played some über cool tunes for the even younger chicks, so that everybody could eventually die with a smile on their face. ()