
Fearing that her unsavory past will be revealed, a young girl is prepared to kill her erstwhile benefactor in this hectic low-budget thriller directed by former serial star Charles Hutchison. A young child, Jane (Betty Jane Graham), is caught pick-pocketing and custody is awarded to crooked politician Al Murray (Monte Blue). The girl grows into a pretty young woman (Lucile Browne) and despite their now filial relationship Al falls in love with his charge. She loves dashing socialite Bill Coleman (William Bakewell), however, and Al threatens to expose her sordid past. A bump to the head takes care of that tricky situation and the supposedly dead politician is stuffed into a suitcase. A train wreck follows and Bill is forced to make a daring rescue when learning that Al is still very much alive. The revitalized Al is arrested and charged with attacking the innocent Jane. (texte officiel du distributeur)



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