
A travers la dramatique histoire d'un couple d'homosexuels, évocation de la ségrégation et du martyre de ces derniers pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, qui bien souvent preferaient se faire passer pour juifs, plutôt que porter le triangle rose réservé aux homosexuels. (texte officiel du distributeur)

Critiques (1)


Toutes les critiques de l’utilisateur·trice

anglais Impressive, despite almost all the criticisms I originally wanted to have. The biggest flaw, which I can't get over, is the ending, which was suspiciously undramatic compared to everything I've seen so far, and above all expected and cheap. The acting is pretty good (I have a feeling that if I saw the "verbal intercourse" scene in the theatre, I would either be red behind the ears or start laughing inappropriately), but at least half of the great atmosphere is due to Glass' excellent music. As tends to be the case. Three and a half. ()