Krassimir Kroumov

Krassimir Kroumov

Naissance : 16/09/1955
Shumen, Bulgarie

Décès : 31/07/2015 (59 ans)
Sofie, Bulgarie


Krassimir Krumov (b. 1955, Shumen, Bulgaria) graduated from a French high school in Varna, then studied Bulgarian language and literature in Veliko Tarnovo (1979). He later graduated in film direction from Sophia's Theatre and Film Academy (VITIZ, 1985). He has written the novels The Drowning Man (Udavnikat) and The Spirit of Crime (Duchat na prestuplenieto), the play Funeral without a Corpse (Pogrebenie bez martvec) and the theoretical study The Poetry of Cinema (Poetika na kinoto). After making the successful films Exitus (Ekzitus, 1989), The Silence (Malchanieto, 1990) and The Forbidden Fruit (Zabraneniat plod, 1994) he lectured at the Berlin Academy for Cinema and Television (1994). Nearly ten years later Krumov returned with another feature, Under the Same Sky (Pod edno nebe, 2003).

MFF Karlovy Vary

