Ana Cruz Navarro

Ana Cruz Navarro



She is a graduate in Communication Science from the Ibero American University, she studied Film at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles and got a degree from the BBC in London where she studied the specialties of television and documentary. She started in television making scientific documentaries for CONACYT. In 1978, she won her first scriptwriting contest with a radio adaptation of the novel La sombra del Caudillo, produced by Radio Educación. In the eighties she worked in Imevisión, as a script writer for plays and dramas for television, and later as a freelance screenwriter, producer and director for cultural television. With a career of over 25 years in Mexican mass media she has been awarded many national and international prizes, such as the ‘Silver Microphone’ in 2001 or the Göethe Award for her promotion of German culture in Mexico in 2003. She has hold different posts in several state media and she is presently the director of Programming and Diffusion of the National Film Library. She has received many prizes in film and video contests for her works as a director and producer, especially documentaries. She is the author of the script for the feature film Juego Limpio, directed by Marco Julio Linares and awarded an Ariel and a Silver Goddess in 1996. She works as a freelance scriptwriter, as a professor of script at the Communication School in the UIA and contributes to various cultural magazines such as Los Universitarios and Cuadernos de la Cineteca. She was the vice president of Mujeres en el cine y la televisión A.C. for the period 2002-2004 and the elected president for the period 2004-2006. She was the president of the Jury at Femme Totale Festival in Dortmund (2005).

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca






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