Mohammad Rasoulof

Mohammad Rasoulof

Naissance : 1973
Šíráz, Iran


Mohammad Rasoulof first took an interest in theater in his youth. After earning a degree in sociology, he went on to study film editing at Sooreh University in Tehran. He debuted in 2002 with the documentary The Twilight; the drama Iron Island (2005) premiered at Cannes and was later shown in Another View at KVIFF.

He has also directed The White Meadows (2009), Goodbye (2011), Manuscripts Don't Burn (2013) and A Man of Integrity (2017).

Following the 2009 presidential election in Iran, Mohammad Rasoulof and his colleague Jafar Panahi were arrested while making a movie. At the ensuing trial, Rasoulof was charged with anti-government activities and collusion against national security; he spent a year in prison.

MFF Karlovy Vary


