Quanan Wang

Quanan Wang

Naissance : 1965
Yan'an, Šen-si, Chine


Graduated from the Beijing Film Academy in 1991, his debut film, Yue Shi (Lunar Eclipse), screened in the Berlinale Forum in 2002; two years later, The Story Of Er Mei, screened in Panorama and established him as a significant sixth-generation auteur. His third feature film, Tuya’s Marriage, won the Golden Bear for Best Film in 2007. In 2009 his fourth film Weaving Girl, won the Special Grand Prize of the Jury at Montreal, and in 2010 his drama Apart Together was the Berlinale’s opening film and won the Silver Bear for Best Script; White Deer Plain screened in the 2012 Competition and won the Silver Bear for Outstanding Artistic Contribution.

Seminci - Semana Internacional de Cine de Valladolid


