Peter Lataster

Peter Lataster


Director and cameraman, he has made several documentaries together with Petra Lataster-Czisch. Among them we could mention: De bekoring (Enchantment, 1991), about the Dutch sculptor Frits van Hall, Verhalen van een rivier (Tales of a River), a film about the town of Dessau in the former German Democratic Republic, which won the award for best Dutch documentary feature in 1994, and Call it Sleep (1996), about the American writer Henry Roth. In 1999 and 2000 they made a tv-series and film about the East-German village Groß Lüben, River of Time. Geluk is als glas (Fragile Happiness) is a film about the relationship between poverty/wealth and happiness. Premiered at the 2001 IDFA. In 2003 they made a film about Petra’s former East German classmates, Droomland DDR (Dreamland GDR). The Nederlands Dans Theater and choreographer Jirí Kylián commissioned them with the filming of Birth-Day, a piece for elderly dancers (2004, broadcasted by NPS and rewarded with the Czech Crystal 2005 at the Golden Prague Festival and the Creativity Award at the FIFA Montreal 2006). In 2005 they made a feature documentary about abused women in an Amsterdam women’s refuge: Dit gaat nooit meer weg (This will never go away). As a director of photography Peter Lataster has contributed to numerous Dutch documentaries, drama, arts and dance productions.

Festival Internacional de Cine de Huesca

Directeur de la photographie






De bekoring (téléfilm)