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Critiques (1 970)


Invincible (2006) 

anglais This is one of those films that fizzles through your head quite painlessly and doesn't leave behind any unpleasant hangover. In short, a classic Disney product "for the whole family" (which always pays handsomely in overseas cinemas), touchingly transparent and predictable, with boilerplate characters; the perfect 100-minute brain off-switch. The whole thing is reliably kept in the waters of tolerability by the eternal boy Mark Wahlberg, and those who don't care for club fandom beyond the grave may be amused by the fact that American football is put in a sort of religious position here, with its worshippers spouting adorable catchphrases. Well, you tell me, is it even possible to be angry at a film where one of the characters, with a completely serious face, says to his son: “You know how I used to tell you about Van Buren scoring that touchdown back in '48? That touchdown got me through 30 years at that factory. Got me through all those times your mother being sick.


Clerks II (2006) 

anglais A pleasant surprise, which I hadn't even hoped for after the uninteresting prequel. Except perhaps for the first 20 minutes or so, with some wannabe-funny dialogue in the vein of its predecessor, for which Smith deserves to be raped by Gandalf's staff, but starting with the great verbal duel Randal vs LOTR fans, the film catches its second wind and I enjoyed all the movie quotes, allusions to current modern trends and the dialogues with funny life observations, including Randal's surprising emotional outburst at the end. So, unexpectedly for me, I'm happy to rank this sequel alongside the smart Dogma and Chasing Amy.


Des serpents dans l'avion (2006) 

anglais Quite an entertaining piece of crap, perfect for a fun movie gathering with a beer in hand. It requires a lot of detachment, and then you don't mind the crazy logical lapses and the fact that something similar, in different variations, has been done many times before (although I don't remember "oral sex" by a rattlesnake). I missed a bit more humour and an original idea that would refresh the pile of predictable clichés (although I admit that the initial idea and the showdown with the snakes is appropriately crazy). Of course...when the ultra-cool badass Samuel L. Jackson, with an irresistibly pissed off expression, blurts out "Enough is enough! I have had it with these motherfucking snakes on this motherfucking plane!", it's clear that you just can't go below the 3*, albeit close :)


Une vérité qui dérange (2006) 

anglais Al Gore, with his environmental sensibilities and close ties to the scientific community, has always been somewhat out of step with the US political establishment, his books (one of which was published in this country), articles and lectures speak for themselves. This film is one of those lectures. Fortunately, Gore is no boring uncle, he can often be funny, caustic, but above all specific, without using clichéd phrases, but offering scientifically proven facts. Chilling comparative photo-documentation, relentless graphs, opinions of top scientists and some light-heartedness here and there (the creators of The Simpsons also contributed). All this in a very understandable way, so the hour and a half passes very quickly. Then you can even forgive some of Gore's brief, undisguised grievances, which are a bit "off-topic" (the lost presidential race, the death of his wife and the subsequent anti-smoker activism, although I otherwise have no objections to them). The UN report, based on the conclusions of the Paris conference of world climatologists in January 2007, agrees completely with Al Gore. Among the few who rejected the conference conclusions were China and Saudi Arabia (how typical) and also Václav Klaus, Oilman of the Year 1993 and two-time winner of the "Green Pearl of the Year" poll, i.e. someone who has spent his entire political career downplaying environmental problems and treating the issue of global warming as a leftist myth, adding "I don't see any destruction of the planet, I've never seen it in my life, and I don't think any serious and reasonable person could say that." - Hospodarske noviny, February 9, 2007. The professor has his sights set on another Green Pearl. PS: On 1 February 2007, Al Gore was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for his environmental work.


Les Fils de l'homme (2006) 

anglais This is no milestone in the history of cinema, for that Cuarón would have to be as good a screenwriter as he is a director, but it’s definitely a film that can only be recommended. At least 2 scenes – the carjacking and the wartime turmoil in the refugee zone – are worthy of inclusion in the proverbial "hall of fame" of memorable scenes; the only thing I missed while watching them was an involuntary "Holy shit!". Another thing worth praise is the interestingly portrayed atmosphere of the near future: bleak and troubled, free from exaggerated technological trappings, but with an emphasis on one of the expected future problems of Western civilization, which is already beginning to rear its ugly head (see this year's events in France), namely the problem of illegal immigrants and the related rise of xenophobia. Clive Owen is a very charismatic guy and a good actor, I'm rooting for his current status as a major leading man, just a shame that in his case it didn't come sooner.


Vražedné pochybnosti (1978) 

anglais I have Murderous Doubts about the screenwriter's ability to come up with a meaningful plot and Ivo Toman's ability to turn it into something at least a little bit conceivable. An incredibly bad attempt at a psychological film with a detective plot in the background, which fits perfectly among the grey mass of what was produced in 1978. The only way to keep watching until the end was thanks to my favourite, the great actor Mirek Machacek, who in his civilian life, consumed by mental anguish that was perfectly reflected in his expression, seemed to be perfect for a role like this.


Kingdom of Heaven (2005) 

anglais In the cinema version, the editor's hand was all too evident, Balian's rise up the ladder of social prestige is too hasty. As if the change from an insignificant blacksmith's nobody to a man who becomes the king's favourite, and to whom all Jerusalem bows down in the end and listens to his word in its moments of need, could be so simple. Unfortunately, the almost one hour longer director's cut that I just got my hands on didn't do much to improve my impression in this regard. Even so, the added scenes make the film feel more whole and much more emotional, especially with the added storyline of the illness and death of Sibylla's son and heir to the throne, which is quite crucial to the development of the plot. Also very nice is the added scene with the burning bush, full of symbolism of the nature of warfare in the Middle East. But there are also some scenes that don’t make much sense for the development of the plot. Bottom line: Scott's magnum opus isn't a riveting film, but it is insightful and thoughtful, with an ambition to make a point, and that's appreciated. And the final peace deal between Balian and Saladin, Christian and Muslim, must be a literal caress for every peacenik on this earth :o)


Miami vice - Deux flics à Miami (2006) 

anglais A seemingly trivial and many times seen story about infiltration among criminal structures, a feeling that prevailed in me until the 40th minute or so. But starting with the impressive scene with the meeting with the mafia boss (an incredibly charismatic guy, the casting again, as is usual with Mann, was perfect) and the beginning of the development of an unlikely romantic relationship with Isabella (a very charming Gong-Li), the film won me over. What elevates it to the "cinematic elite" is the person of Michael Mann and his directorial inventiveness, the atmosphere, the attention to detail (some really interesting shots), the unconventional concept of action, where authenticity rules above all, the perfect music and score, and you will rarely see such beautifully composed intimate scenes. And the beautiful ending, partly sad and partly full of hope, with the evocative piano accompaniment, convinced me that this film deserves a thumbs up. PS: I don't understand the repeated criticism towards the digital camera, all I can say is "keep it up, Mann".


La Marche de l'empereur (2005) 

anglais The instinctive desire to survive, the incredible power of motherhood and the cold aesthetics of ice temples; when these come together, hand in hand with a soundtrack that fits the mood of the film, nothing but an impressive documentary worth watching can be created. I would not condemn the commentary, it was nice, it aptly illuminated the behaviour of the protagonists, perhaps only occasionally slipping into pathos at the very limit of tolerability and the child's voice was mostly annoying, but that doesn't change the fact that in the context of other nature documentaries, this one is one of the best. It manages to captivate and move. I understand the favourable critical and box office response. And I must confess that I love penguins! :)


Les Infiltrés (2006) 

anglais It’s against nature, but Marty is getting younger. This is the kind of fucking entertaining film that even a young kid in the director’s chair wouldn’t be ashamed of. Those almost two and a half hours passed by like water. In the case of the ensemble cast, it's pointless to comment on DiCaprio and Nicholson, they're chapters unto themselves, so I'll just single out the much-maligned Damon (that perfect smarmy crooked character, I can't imagine it could have been played any better) and especially Wahlberg (!!!), whose brilliantly written lines were a joy to listen to, and his banter with Baldwin made me laugh out loud. After the screening, I remembered Steven Spielberg's words that he "doesn't have to prove anything to anyone anymore and just wants to have fun with movies", I feel the same way about The Departed. I probably wouldn't give Scorcese an Oscar for it, in the context of his previous, albeit more notable work (if does get it, it will be mainly "for merit"), but it's gratifying that underneath the skin of the grey professor emeritus, there's still that old familiar rebel from the days of Mean Streets and Taxi Driver :)