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Critiques (3 462)


Los Hongos (2014) 

anglais A mild political agitprop from the world of Columbia that will shed light on how people of South America view life after a series of riots and how nice it is to actually enjoy the little things in life.


Jason Bourne (2016) 

anglais As if Jason Bourneʼs stories had become routine. And not only his stories but also the action. And on top of it all, the action starts to have some balls only at the end of the movie, at the moment that is unBourne-like set in the USA. However, it is true that I am quite critical of the movie. On the other hand, I think that the first and second installments had at least some story while this one is only a series of escape – find – kill. Even though the Paul Greengrass’ filmmaking craft is still pretty on point. I just need something enlivening and Alicia Vikander isn’t going to salvage it, because you get exactly what you would expect from her in a spy thriller. Nothing more, nothing less.


A War (2015) 

anglais An honest Scandinavian drama that pretends to be a war movie but in reality, is a prime example of Scandinavian depression in the lives of ordinary people. I am not giving it a full score only because the whole case seemed absurd to me. I would give the DA a few slaps and send her to the Taliban for a few weeks just so she would know what she was actually defending. She was so annoying during the whole movie that I was hoping for Clausʼs innocence. And when you don’t accept the main premise of the movie it’s hard to give it five stars.


Korso (2014) 

anglais “The Finnish answer to Trainspotting” – the Finnish newspapers said. But Korso is rather a bore that takes place mainly in the dark and there is nothing worth saying going on. For the whole 84 minutes.


Nahrani me z besedami (2012) 

anglais Slovenia really pushed itself in this movie. It paints itself to be something more than it really is and that is actually good. At times, it actually turns a family drama into a psychological horror with an atmosphere you could cut with a knife and I was really enjoying it. The final punchline literally blew me away also thanks to the way the story was told. It is divided into 3 parts story-wise and each part goes back in time and essentially says the story backward to the result that is connected with the following chapter. A very interesting and original movie.


The Nice Guys (2016) 

anglais Russel Crowe and Ryan Gosling were born for roles like these. They make fun of themselves, but not in a very obvious way. That’s what the movie itself is like. It is funny, but at the same time isn’t primarily about the humor, it is rather a typical detective story from the 1970s. However, when there is a hilarious scene it has such an impact that you will want to rewatch it a couple of times after the first viewing. During the remainder of the time, you hope for something mindblowing to come any minute now and so you are observing, lurking, and you appreciate every moment that makes you laugh. Every joke is actually filmed so originally that the ending will make you sad. Even though I wasn’t that impressed with the first half of the crime story, the second half was a lot better. But the humor reigned for the whole 2 hours. I even have a feeling that you will not find a funnier movie from the year 2016.


Nerve (2016) 

anglais Nerve is a very solid modern thriller that benefits from the behavior of modern youth, social media, the Internet, and mostly its anonymity. Well, and of course, it goes to the extreme. Personally, I have to say that, except for a few details when I would give the juniors a couple of slaps, and the unnecessarily hyped music, I was satisfied. What initially appeared to be just another nonsense for the youth is, in the end, a very clever and suspenseful thriller that will give some food for thought to everyone who was born in the age of the Internet and isn’t a hacker who undoubtedly knew these things a long time ago and can also use them, if they want. One of the most original movies of the year 2016.


S.O.S Fantômes (2016) 

anglais Probably the first movie that would make me feel sorry if I gave it a worse rating than I actually gave. At the same time, it would undoubtedly deserve it. It actually shamelessly copies the legendary Ghostbusters from the 1980s, from which it borrowed everything and didn’t bring anything new to the table. Except for the fact that it’s pretty well shot, and the special effects also aren’t worthless. On top of that, Chris Hemsworth excels here and makes this into a real comedy. I would be lying if I said I didn’t laugh. Unfortunately, it wasn’t because of the girls. It’s obvious that Kristen Wiig and Melissa McCarthy have a completely different movie training than Leslie Jones and Kate McKinnon. Particularly Kate was very off. Anyway, I was curious about the result, what can I tell you. In the end, however, it wasn’t worse than I expected, and I also lived to see the cameos of the old cast in the end. Nobody should mess with the theme song ever again, though. That would be really nice.


Falling in Love (1984) 

anglais  “What beer would you like?” – “What do you have?” – We have Coors, Coors Light, Heineken, Carlsberg, Becks, Stella, Budweiser, Bud Light, Fosters, Carling, Budvar, Hoegaarden or Corona.” – “Hm, I guess I don’t care.” – “Give me a break…” It started so well and afterward it fell down to that classic romantic level where two people accidentally meet, and it takes them a while to realize that they actually like each other. However, the best thing about this movie is the discovery that Meryl Streep has always been a great beauty and that Robert De Niro has always been able to identify with any role. Even with a romantic one.


Seul contre tous (2015) 

anglais After three years, I finally lived to see a Will Smithʼs role that makes sense and, at the same time, is very interesting. The neurotic Bennet Omalu actually had a very interesting life in the United States, and the fact that producer Ridley Scott entrusted his money to the young and promising director Peter Landesman also says something. What can I say, I was very curious. And that was despite the fact that American football isn’t my favorite sport. In the end, I was surprised that the movie wasn’t so much about the sport but rather about one treacherous disease caused by the said sport. Really, hats off for the fact that the creators didn’t have a problem with smearing the name of the whole NFL, and on top of that also that of the FBI. It’s not common for the viewer to see this in an American movie. It really isn’t.