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Critiques (3 462)


Café Society (2016) 

anglais If you like Woody Allen, his character in this movie will definitely catch you eye real quick. And I have to say that Jesse Eisenberg really nailed the classic emotional nut case. Apparently, he’s been watching all of Woody’s movies, because not only did he have the gestures down, but also the general body movements, faces and overall behavior towards women. What’s more, for this movie, Woody chose a rather rewarding theme that he loves very much and so he poked fun at the extravagance of the legendary Hollywood generation of the 1930s once again. Steve Carell, for example, was absolutely excellent in his role. But what initially looks like another Woody dialogue movie from a world of the young, hopeful and the rich eventually reveals itself to be a very light melancholic drama with a hint of gangster movie. Once again, Woody shot a movie that’s absolutely typical of him and once again, he brought in something inconspicuously fresh that can caress the soul and fascinates at the same time.


Báječná léta pod psa (1997) 

anglais If it weren’t for Ondra Vetchý, there would be one less legendary Czech 1990s comedy. Because his performance in the show District League has already been paralleled in this movie with no problem whatsoever. And back then, it felt like such fine acting that you trusted him from the beginning till the end. Those Wonderful Years that Sucked may not exactly be the most appropriate premise to turn into a movie among the Czech contemporary cinematography, but it hides such strong scenes that it gives you a reason to return over and over again. As far as both the humor and the tense 1960s mood go.


Demain tout commence (2016) 

anglais For me, Omar Sy is probably the foremost French actor of family comedies with a hint of contemporary drama. Any movie that he appears in is a joy to watch. By the way, the homage to Eddie Murphy was quite appropriate since they look awfully alike. And with his positive approach to acting along with his personality, he couldn’t possibly spoil a movie, including this one. Two Is a Family is a beautifully filmed human, amusing story that’s worth waiting for. It's a bit of a drag, but you get such a pleasant, warm feeling watching the movie that you don't really care, because this kind sense of humor can caress your soul.


Autobahn (2016) 

anglais In the Czech Republic, we say that the worst collision is the one with an idiot. And when after an hour, you find out that Nicholas Hoult has half-assed the entire heist only to impress a chick, it’s almost saddening. Because he’s even a bigger idiot than we’ve thought. Action-wise, it’s on par with Alarm for Cobra 11 with some real German highroads and a British budget. But the rest is truly desperate.


À gauche en sortant de l'ascenseur (1988) 

anglais The next time I’ll use an elevator, I’ll check whether Pierre Richard isn’t standing on the left. If so, I’ll immediately make a run for it, because that would be a screw-up of astronomical proportions.


Baywatch : Alerte à Malibu (2017) 

anglais When I was a kid, I watched the Baywatch quite a lot. That’s also the reason why I was so curious about the Rock’s and Zac Efron’s performances in the remake. In the end, I must say I’m quite disappointed. The comedy isn’t innovative, it’s not explicit, it’s really not anything in particular. It has its moments, but overall, it’s more stupid than it is funny. Pamela Anderson and David Hasselhoff even make an appearance, but they are so utterly uninteresting that they basically copy the movie’s overall vibe. It was bad. And that’s quite a shame.


Špunti na vodě (2017) 

anglais Absolutely perfect in terms of acting. There really couldn’t have been a better casting. In terms of “haha” however, it is quite average, which is a shame, because the potential of using actors such as Liška, Čermák or Polívková just calls for a cracking comedy.


Hurry Sundown (1967) 

anglais In 1967, the American cinema was apparently driven by shooting sex scenes till you literally see some blood. Because every time, I felt as if the guys raped the girls immediately after the cut. Everything was weirdly stiff and awfully aggressive. Like, for example, Michael Cane. He looked like quite the choleric when he was young and when you watch him kiss Jane Fonda, it almost seemed as if she was trying to back away and not at all like she wanted to kiss him back. As far as the story goes, it was also awfully mediocre and typically naïve – exactly what I hate in American cinematography.


Suntan (2016) 

anglais A shining example of a European drama that shows the best that the national (Greek in this case) cinematography has to offer. The environment of the Antiparos Island is fascinating and the insight into the life of the local population is no less interesting; a couple of Greek people and one stupid girl who turns the unfortunate local Greek man into a scapegoat. But then, she had no idea what was about to happen. The conclusion gets all psychological. It’s just a shame that the director wasn’t a bit more literal with the ending. I expected a dark conclusion that I’m used to with Scandinavian movies and that I – unfortunately – didn’t get.


Der Bulle von Tölz - Palermo ist nah (1996) (épisode) 

anglais Benno and his colleague investigating a murder nearby Bad Tölz where they’re hand-in-hand with Italian mafia, which isn’t exactly all fun and games. Luckily enough, the mafia’s boss is in retirement under the Alps, enjoys growing his bio tomatoes and bell peppers and he doesn’t really care for killing people. There’s even a shootout in this episode. But overall, it was one of the weaker ones. The only good character was the farmer Lang who was a proper red-neck.

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