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Critiques (7 569)


Victoria - La Poupée N°123 (2016) (épisode) 

anglais As someone who loves movies and series set in the Britain of yore — not the current parody of itself — the first episode hit all the right notes for me. It had that quintessential English blend of reserve and cunning intrigue that I adore. If the series keeps up this vibe, count me in for the long haul.


Umbrella Academy - Season 1 (2019) (saison) 

anglais I’m obviously not the target audience. I expected something completely different of a comic book series. What I got instead were characters none of whom I could relate to (except Hazel), a completely predictable story, constant whining of the characters over their lives and all too frequent and unnecessary attempts at romance.


Umbrella Academy - La Viole blanche (2019) (épisode) 

anglais I had high hopes that the creators would pull out all the stops for the season finale and make up for those occasional moments of boredom I experienced along the way. Unfortunately, they fell short. The biggest letdown for me was the casting of Ellen Page as the main antagonist. While I can usually tolerate her, she just didn't seem to fit into this role. Initially, Vanya came across as the embodiment of depression. This time, she was probably supposed to be menacing, but those weird contact lenses just made her look like a stoned emo. Honestly, it felt like the creators were poking fun at me the whole time.


Umbrella Academy - Changements (2019) (épisode) 

anglais So, compared to the last one, there was definitely more action, but it still didn't quite do it for me. What really gets under my skin is the creators' apparent lack of effort to shake up the storyline and make it less predictable. And don't even get me started on the constant whining from certain characters about their cruel fate — it was annoying enough with one, now it's getting ridiculous.


Umbrella Academy - J'ai entendu une rumeur (2019) (épisode) 

anglais When I think back on the plot, it seems like besides Allison's interactions with Vanya, not much else happened. And given how Allison looked, it seems like everything will turn out just fine in the end anyway. But hey, I did learn one valuable life lesson from all of this — I'll definitely be treating musicians, especially those who play string instruments, with a whole lot more caution from now on.


Umbrella Academy - Le Jour que l'on regrette (2019) (épisode) 

anglais The elements that kept this series above average have faded away, and now we're getting more and more romantic moments, which honestly made the plot pretty boring at times. I'm just hoping the creators have saved some aces for the final three episodes to liven up the pace a bit.


Umbrella Academy - Le Jour que l'on attend (2019) (épisode) 

anglais Although the plot is slightly above average throughout, I have grown accustomed to it. I silently hoped that the creators would avoid two things that could bother me, but it was in vain, as they used both. In the name of political correctness, testosterone passion was brought up again. I am not a good mathematician, but I would say that one out of six doesn't really correspond to four percent. Well, but that's trendy. The second thing was even worse - Vána's amazing abilities really manifested. It was as unexpected as Jean-Claude Van Damm's victory at the end of each of his movies.


Umbrella Academy - Numéro Cinq (2019) (épisode) 

anglais A pretty standard episode which was saved by some action-packed moments. The standout moment for me was the attack with the ice cream truck accompanied by Wagner's "Ride of the Valkyries."


Umbrella Academy - L'Homme sur la Lune (2019) (épisode) 

anglais This episode didn’t exactly blow me away, but it was a step up from the last one. The local necroscope was a fun touch, and Hazel/Cha-Cha had me laughing. I could’ve done without the final emotional scene, though — it totally missed the mark for me.


Umbrella Academy - Extra ordinaire (2019) (épisode) 

anglais This series is heading in the opposite direction of what I expected after the first episode. The quality keeps dipping, and even this action-packed episode couldn't turn things around. The gang taking out armed guards at the bank only to get beaten up at home felt a bit off. At least they kept the cultural touch — Vanya and her violin might just pull in some classical music fans.