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Critiques (3 440)


Les Dents de la mer (1975) 

anglais This cult movie brought Steven Spielberg worldwide attention. There’s no point in writing anything about Jaws, pretty much everyone has seen it already. There hasn’t been a better horror film with a shark in the main role, or rather, there still hasn’t been a better animal-horror film.


Le Projet Blair Witch (1999) 

anglais Besides an intensive feeling of dread, this film causes bursts of aggression. Should I worry about my mental condition when watching it makes want to wring the neck of the female lead? 80%


Dead End (2003) 

anglais A very pleasant surprise. It’s quite rare to see horror so well combined with comedy. The atmosphere is thick and suddenly there’s a joke that will make you laugh, only to feel afraid again a moment later. And the most amazing thing is how well it holds together. The original twist also helps (I’m not taking the opening scene into account). The only truly bad thing about this film is its Czech title.


Ghosts of Mars (2001) 

anglais Carpenter is no longer at the top of his game, but this film doesn’t deserve to be called garbage, it’s not that bad, it’s an average B-movie that shouldn’t piss-off anyone (unless you’re expecting another The Thing). The story is fast-paced, the actors are alright, so are the make-up effects, but Ghosts of Mars won’t leave any lasting impression; if that is what you want, better watch The Thing again.


Aliens : Le retour (1986) 

anglais Great film, but I like Scott’s atmospheric first part better.


Les Simpson (1989) (série) 

anglais I will go against the flow, I might be among the few, but I find the humour of The Simpsons so contrived and repetitive that their incredible popularity is one of humankind’s greatest mysteries for me. I never watch it myself, but I pretty often cross paths with it, unfortunately. Everyone around me is rolling on the floor laughing and I just don’t get it. I really don’t know. It’s a shame.


Ring (1998) 

anglais Yeah, Sadako is pure evil…


Scream (1996) 

anglais A likeable, self aware genre joke. Horror movie of the year.


Halloween (1978) 

anglais Pure Evil. Fear itself. Michael Myers. One of the most important films in the genre and it’s still effective today, something that can’t be said about many of its sequels. Personally, I would like more murders, but it’d make no sense to reduce the rating because of that. Horror movie of the year.