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Critiques (3 440)


Bajocero (2021) 

anglais A fairly attractive and atmospheric thriller, up until the last ten minutes or so, when they reveal the motivations of the killer, which don’t make much sense given his previous behaviour. Unfortunately, that almost ruins the film, but up until then I was having really good fun.


Le Serpent (2021) (série) 

anglais A period series about a weird guy called Charles Sobhraj, who in the 1970s robbed and murdered backpackers in India and Thailand. I didn’t know anything about him, which made the show was pretty fascinating. Judging by some of the responses abroad, it seems people have trouble following the constant flashbacks and flash-forwards, but I think the mosaic is very clearly put together and getting the when, the who and the how wasn’t much of a problem. Another good thing for me were the attractive locations, especially now in times of travel restrictions; it was nice to reminisce Bangkok and other places.


It's a Sin (2021) (série) 

anglais Two years after Years and Years, Russell T. Davies delivers another impressive limited series. This time, he’s not looking at the future, but at 1980s Britain, when the queer community was coping with the AIDS epidemic and the indifference of the majority of society. It has many happy moments alternating with massive downers. Episodes three and five are downright painful. Thatcher got what she deserved. A great group of characters. La!


Sightless (2020) 

anglais A decently executed psycho-thriller with a twist that is very predictable and very soon. I was actually wondering whether the creators wouldn’t come up with a smarter and less contrived resolution than the one pretty much everybody should figure out after half an hour or so. And they didn’t, it ends exactly the way you expect. The only surprise was perhaps the motivations of the villain and how corny they were. 5/10


Downfalls High (2021) 

anglais Great 50 minutes that made me remember when I was a teenager and loved this kind of punk-rock hits.


The White Tiger (2021) 

anglais How a poor Indian man came to happiness and wealth, or a socially poignant and disillusioning spin on romantic fairytales like Slumdog Millionaire, which this film is explicitly refers to. It has absolutely nothing to do with classic Bollywood (at least based on my not particularly extensive experience), so if you’re afraid of dancing numbers, there aren’t any. But I have a big problem with the message of the ending, even though it is what actually makes the film different from what the viewer would expect. 7/10


Psycho Goreman (2020) 

anglais Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers with gore and a funny wisecrack here and there, in other words, not for me. An ode to bad taste with a child hero who’s an utter twat and also unpleasantly immoral in some aspects. I hope that Steven Kostanski’s next film will honour someone who deserves it (like in The Void) instead of assholes like these.


The 100 Candles Game (2020) 

anglais The segments of this anthology movie hover around the average – two to three stars for me – but the framing story about four adults playing a scary game and behaving as if they were six from the beginning was so incredibly cringe that it was almost embarrassing.


Pieces of a Woman (2020) 

anglais The opening birth scene is one of the best film sequences in recent years. Unfortunately, the rest of the film never reaches that high bar, nor does it present anything very original, but I’m still satisfied.


Minari (2020) 

anglais Very nice. An A24 drama about a family of Korean immigrants trying to get a farm going in Arkansas, though the heart of the story is the relationship between the boy and his grandmother. It’s ideal when you’re looking for something to touch you, but not in a cheap way. What blew my mind, though, was the chick sexing thing, I didn’t know it existed. Dream job :D