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Critiques (3 440)


Automaton Transfusion (2006) 

anglais One word: awful. Very amateurish with terrible performances, editing, direction – everything, really. The zombies look like normal people, the only difference is that they have bloody faces. I recently saw an ad on the internet that said this film would be one of the best zombie horrors ever, someone has either a very good sense of humour or quite some cheek. Don’t waste your time with it, it’s not worth it. Edit: After watching Dead Moon Rising, I’m raising the rating to 1*.


Réincarnation (2005) 

anglais Horror should be scary, not boring. If I hadn’t been wearing a watch, I would’ve believed Reincarnation is at least three hours long. It’s incredible how slow it is! And I would really love to know if there’s anyone who still enjoys this weird Asian stuff. I’m giving it 20% for the library scene.


April Fool's Day (2008) 

anglais The worst part of this film was the first half hour, it’s very boring and could be a lot shorter. What comes after that is better, but not by much. While watching I was thinking of writing how this is another one of the many below-par, mildly predictable slashers, that the deaths are unoriginal, and so forth, but then came the twist. It was exactly the twist I had thought about a few minutes before as the only thing that could save the film. In the end, it wasn’t such a waste of time, but I can’t really recommend it.


Magus (2008) Boo !

anglais I watched it twice, because I fell asleep the first time. One word: awful. And the worst is that the creators probably were serious about it. The abominable special effects, the terrible performances and the ridiculous direction of the fights, everything is worth crap. I won’t go into further detail, the less time spent on this film, the better for my health.


Kilómetro 31 (2006) 

anglais Another atmospherically above-average thing from Spain. But atmosphere isn’t everything, there’s also the story and the entertainment factors. To be honest, when it comes to the plot, KM 31 is bland horror, as my relatively low rating indicates. I think ghost horror has become a pretty exhausted subgenre, filmmakers have been pumping out dozens of long-haired women and monsters from another dimension, but in most cases without any particular or at least logical reasons, and such films are a pain to watch. So, 40%, but it had the potential to be better.


Borderland (2007) 

anglais Another group of American teenagers gets in trouble with some crazy yokels (in this case a Mexican religious cult), this is this film in a nutshell. Like with Hostel, we must put up with a very boring first half, but once things finally get going, Borderland is pretty watchable. They don’t go too over-the-top with the blood, I think they could’ve pushed the envelope a bit further, in this subgenre that wouldn’t be bad. In terms of quality, it can be compared to Hostel, though it should be said that the Mexican setting is more suited for horror than Slovakia (or rather, Czechia). One of the better films from After Dark Horrorfest. 65% (For Nick Tow: I don’t think Hostel is bad, so when I compared Borderland to it I didn’t mean it as a shortcoming)


Bats: Human Harvest (2007) (téléfilm) 

anglais Pretty much as bad as you could expect for a sequel of a silly B-movie, but this time with a military unit in the main role. The characters aren’t interesting in away way (surprise!), their fights against digital giant vampires (and enemy soldiers) leaves you so indifferent that there were several times when I didn’t realise one of the characters had died. The story and the climax are as unoriginal as they could possibly be, I don’t understand how someone can like making the same stuff over and over again. I’m grateful only for the short runtime, had it been 10 minutes longer, the film would have been very close to rubbish.


Stargate : L'arche de vérité (2008) 

anglais This farewell movie is pretty much on par with every other double episode late in the show. I watched SG1, but I never became an ardent fan, so The Ark of Truth wasn’t that satisfying. The TV quality that irradiates from every scene (bad special effects, cheap sets) could be forgiven (you are already used to it from the show after all these years), but the showrunners could have worked harder for this major event. Already from the beginning you can guess the next “unpredictable” coincidence that will move the plot forward or the problems the characters will face. Basically, there isn’t a single surprise, everything has already been used in the show (and many times even better). I’m giving it 3 stars (and there were moments when I thought of two, maybe because of the excessive expectations that remained unmet) hoping that Continuum fares better.


The Fun Park (2007) 

anglais After a long time, a new and unknown horror film delivers a pleasant surprise. To be clear, it’s by no means great, but it was good to kill time during a winter evening. We follow the story of six teenagers who got into trouble with two psychopaths. The middle part has the best atmosphere and the games of the killers are sufficiently brutal. When it comes to the actors, the kids don’t deliver any awesome performances, but they’re good enough for the standards of the genre. The pace slows down significantly by the end and the last 10 minutes feel like a wait for a massive unexpected twist that never arrives. 50%


Fingerprints (2006) 

anglais Generic film with a very unoriginal story. Fortunately, it’s boring only for a bit in the middle and has several good moments. For instance, I liked the first scene (the bus crash), which gave hopes for an above average spectacle. Unfortunately, that was not the case in the minutes that followed, but the ending, though not surprising, was again three-star worthy. Overall, Fingerprints didn’t impress me that much, but it deserves two stars (and those who liked The Messengers or Solstice may add another one).

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