Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Comédie
  • Drame
  • Court métrage
  • Horreur
  • Policier

Critiques (98)


Kotlovan (2020) 

anglais They say too much of anything is bad for you. This is doubly true for this film. I really liked the concept, but after halfway through the film my interest dropped to zero and it was a struggle to stick with it. I have to point out how the different messages intertwined with each other and the transitions were thematic. With this concept, 30 minutes would have been amply sufficient, certainly not more. These are tough topics and should be known about, it doesn't change the fact that everything should be talked about just for ten times in the film. I perceived about 3 sentences as funny, the rest was sad and a bundle of strong feelings came over me. I'm glad I watched it, but never again.


Le Lobby climatosceptique (2020) 

anglais An interesting investigative documentary that will make you keep thinking for a long time after watching it. I very much liked the change of someone investigating global warming denial instead of promoting it. If some of the repetitive information had been left out, the whole film could have been shorter, but that's okay because the film is not boring at all. At times it felt like the themes were getting tangled up and at some points I felt like everything was in a terrible mess. Maybe on purpose, maybe inadvertently... I'm still wondering how they talked the protagonists into making statements when it may do them more harm than good... But I have to conclude by saying that it's a fine film to learn a different perspective on the whole climate crisis.


28. Český lev - Ceny České filmové a televizní akademie za rok 2020 (2021) (émission) 

anglais Although the current Covid situation does not allow events with a live audience, the filmmakers decided to hold the traditional Czech Lions ceremony. Everything seemed unfinished. All the performers did not know what to do. The nominees stood in their places and after the announcement were made, they kept around looking where and when they should go. During the interviews, they didn't know when to start talking and what to do after the interview was over. Not to mention the disabled microphone in the end of the evening... Václav Kopta was not funny even once during the whole evening and it all culminated in a moment when he interviewed himself. Towards the end, he started playing the piano to his colleague's monologue and listening to what the presenter was saying was a struggle. The lights in the photo booth beeped behind this presenter throughout the interviews and by half time it was really getting on my nerves. On a positive note, the set decoration and lighting was much better after last year and made it look cosy. The whole evening was a huge disappointment and I can absolutely understand if someone didn't watch the show till the end.


Jako letní sníh (2021) 

anglais A very enjoyable and well-made docudrama about Comenius. No boredom, straight downhill ride. I don't think direct historical context is needed as the film is full of new information and simple details that work well as a one whole thing. I do regret, however, that there is almost no archaism in the dialogue. If more archaic language had been heard, it would have added another dimension to the film and actually made it feel even more authentic. Still, the film is a good one and it is definitely one of the films that will be talked about for a long time - and not only in the context of Czech history.


The Prom (2020) 

anglais A musical in which a lot happens, but nothing really. The story doesn't have any fixed line and keeps going from one theme to another... Unfunny, confusing. It's good that the creators worked with LGBT themes, but using the word "lesbian" in every tenth line is too much. I think that although the film tried to be nice, it didn't work very well and the whole thing actually felt like one big satire. On the other hand, great cast and perfect visuals are something you can't take your eyes off. I wouldn't watch it again, but once to unwind... why not.


Coronation (2020) 

anglais A very good documentary that conveys information directly from the Chinese coronavirus epicentre. The film combines in a nice way the health sector and people who add more information or contribute with metaphors that give a more objective picture of the epidemic. There is a considerable number of really long shots in the film, which mostly allow the filmmakers to show the environment. Unfortunately, sometimes the shots get boring after three minutes. I have to point out the music, as the simple brass melodies just give the film greater dimension.


2040 (2019) 

anglais The film presents solutions that are currently working to change the fate of the planet and save it from climate change. The amount of information gathered was quite rich and the content was sometimes shocking. The film does not force itself on the viewer, but offers solutions (even small ones) to help the planet. The filmmakers took everything objectively and with perspective. The form of the treatment is very interesting, whether by scaled-down performers set in real life or great visual effects. The concept with the narration to his daughter reinforces the effort to make the film feel both pleasant and friendly. If any documentary is focused on the fate of the future, this is it. Without a doubt, it should have worldwide distribution because something needs to be done. Tomorrow may be too late.


Vitamania: The Sense and Nonsense of Vitamins (2018) 

anglais Interesting documentary full of information about vitamins. Unfortunately, more than half of the film consists of personal stories of different people about how large or small amounts of vitamins have affected their health. Each story could have been told in five sentences, not 10 minutes, which wasted time during which new and more important information could have been conveyed to the audience. The other sticking point is that only a quarter of the vitamins are discussed in detail in the film - not a bad thing, but a shame. The narrative of how vitamins evolved was interesting and the film explored the history of vitamins in depth. On a positive note, the musical interludes sweetened the film nicely. In the end, the film has an excellent theme, but the actual craft is a bit worse.


Transkids (2019) 

anglais Real and emotional. It's been a long time since a documentary has left me feeling like this one. The title isn't very interesting, which doesn't really matter in the end, as the protagonists and their stories are the main theme. The fact that the filmmakers followed multiple protagonists makes the film more interesting and rich. It is a shame that the opposite of the content of the entire film, the non-acceptance of transgender teenagers by family and loved ones, does not appear in the film. Still, the film provides a great deal of information and gives a unique look behind the curtain of the transgender world, not only in Israel.


Zvuk bez viny (2019) 

anglais This richly narrative film impresses not only with its visuals but also with its excellent sound design. The film is guided by director Ožvold herself, whose commentary adds another dimension to the film. I very much appreciate the interplay of facts, philosophy and photogeny. It is challenging not to dwell on the image at the expense of listening to the individual performers' testimonies. However, the ways in which the 'talking heads' have been incorporated into the film - in the form of playback on televisions or through projectors - is, in my opinion, genius. Without a doubt, the film deserves to be seen and sent across to audiences around the world. "And now. Subtitles."

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