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Critiques (1 697)


Bokura no Ame-iro Protocol (2023) (série) 

anglais Let me share a simple piece of advice: when creating an anime centered on pro gaming or video games in general, make sure that the depicted video game doesn't look like a complete disaster. I'm genuinely curious if there's anyone among the viewers of Protocol: Rain who will unironically express a desire to play the shooter game around which the series revolves. Another piece of advice: if you're stuck with a subpar video game and have no plans to improve it, consider minimizing its on-screen presence for the audience. It wasn't just the video game that turned me off; the series itself didn't strike me as particularly engaging. It failed to sell the concept of pro gaming to me and instead felt like another run-of-the-mill sports anime following a group of underdogs on their journey to the top. None of the characters managed to captivate me, and I didn't feel that the series delved into their personalities in a deeper or more intriguing manner. The cliché scene where the main character literally breaks into the main heroine's room, catching her in her negligee, was the tipping point that convinced me this wouldn't offer anything unique. For me, it's a drop after episode 4, earning a maximum rating of 3.5/10.


Tearmoon teikoku monogatari: Dantódai kara hadžimaru, hime no tensei gjakuten story (2023) (série) 

anglais This anime weaves a fairy tale around Marie Antoinette's redemption through time travel, showcasing how her newfound insights inadvertently inspire greatness. What stands out to me the most is the protagonist, whose character development adds depth while maintaining a charming mischievousness. Sumire Uesaka's excellent performance, capturing both heart-wrenching and entertaining moments, further elevates the experience. On the flip side, what irked me the most was the reliance on humor through misunderstandings and coincidences. While initially enjoyable, the repetitive nature, at times bordering on silliness, detracted from the overall experience. Mia's seemingly effortless navigation through challenges diminished the stakes, making it clear that success was inevitable. Even in supposedly dramatic moments, I never once feared for her. Digging into the source material, it appears the anime skips Mia's initial, unsuccessful attempt, opting for a direct plunge into her first success. Personally, I wished for occasional failures, requiring Mia to strategize independently and not rely solely on others, whom she usually unknowingly inspires, or practically stumble upon the solution to the problem. Perhaps my bias stems from enjoying Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World too much, overlooking the distinct vibes Tearmoon Empire brings. In essence, this series serves as a delightful comedy with endearing characters, where major issues are swiftly resolved, echoing the essence of a fairy tale. Coupled with surprisingly good animation and decent music, I settle on a 6/10. While my score might reflect a desire for more complexity, those who embraced the breezy aspect that Tearmoon Empire offers will likely rate it higher, and I get that.


Spy x Family - Season 2 (2023) (saison) 

anglais The main plotline didn't exactly progress much this season, but I found it thoroughly enjoyable. For me, the show isn't so much a spy drama as it is a family comedy, and in that aspect, it hits the mark 100%. Sure, there were spies involved; the entire arc about the vacation on the cruise ship was fantastic, packed with exhilarating action and tension (a solid 10/10 for that part). The remaining episodes had their moments of fluctuating quality, as is the case with most shows, but they managed to elicit laughter, create a pleasant vibe, and even tug at my heartstrings at times. I'm still fond of the Forger family and some of the other characters. The animation, once again, was splendid, and the music added to the overall experience. If I should say something negative, perhaps some jokes are starting to feel a bit worn-out to me. Then again, that might just be my subjective impression, as I've never been a big fan of running jokes. Regardless, Spy x Family remains an amazing anime offering great family entertainment. I'm eagerly anticipating the next season and holding out hope that the announced movie will also grace our cinemas. Solid 9/10.


Saihate no Paladin - Tecusabi no jama no ó (2023) (saison) 

anglais SPOILER A group of heroes sets out on a journey to the heart of a mountain, where a dreadful dragon resides, which once drove the dwarf nation away. Only this time, they leave Bilbo Baggins and the wizard with a pointy hat at home. Along the way, they meet some elves and it turns out that one of the dwarves is actually the heir to the throne. How does it end? The Return of the King! There's even an army of ghosts... END OF SPOILER Points detracted for glaringly obvious inspiration from Tolkien! But still, it was a very well-done fantasy, I like the pace at which the story is told, it doesn't rush anywhere, the story is easy to understand, everything is nicely explained, and even the characters are likable. I especially appreciate that the main hero actually matures. How can you tell? Like with any anime - he is finally no longer voiced by a female voice actress! Too bad for a certain group of female fans that there probably won't be anything more than bromance with his elf friend... Favorite characters? The local Aragorn, alright, Reystor, but also all the hero's mentors/family, whom I occasionally fondly remember even after the first season. But when I think about it, there isn't actually a character here that I don't like, even Stagnate is suddenly nice and interesting - and no, it's not because she's a woman. It's about the mysterious role she plays in the story, and her interesting motivations that simply correspond to her name. Anyway, Faraway Paladin is still a very good fantasy for me, one of the few really classic, Tolkienesque ones - enough already! I liked the animation (the dragon was particularly great), and the music too, it's a shame that this series always comes out in the same season as (or the season after) some fantasy colossus (Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation, Frieren: Beyond Journey's End...), which means it doesn't get as much attention and doesn't fare in comparison with those shows in many aspects... 7.3/10


Keiken zumi na kimi to, keiken zero na ore ga, ocukiai suru hanaši. (2023) (série) 

anglais For me, it's probably just a slightly above-average romance about how a fairly bearable beta-kun unexpectedly comes together with a pretty nice girl. She's been around the block, but she still needs to realize that sex without love is just awkward movements. As for the romance and drama, it doesn't go very deep. A lot of problems arise from misunderstandings and insufficient communication, sometimes just youthful foolishness, which is why most of them are quickly and relatively painlessly resolved. There is no major drama happening here, even the momentary romantic triangle is easily resolved. Nothing came as a big surprise to me or blew my mind, but it wasn't terrible either. Most characters were either likable or at least tolerable, earning a 5.5/10 from me.


Hamecu no ókoku (2023) (série) 

anglais A disgusting world breeds disgusting people, violence only breeds violence, and the circle of revenge is hard to break. We've already peeked into the mind of a sadistic psychopath, so now it's time to explore the mindset of an average terrorist. Adonis, in essence, is just that—a terrorist. The moment you target innocent civilians as your victims, there's no excuse, and the concept of collective guilt can't be used to justify it. Similar to Redo of Healer, my repulsion doesn't stem from the hero seeking revenge, but rather from the gruesome way it's executed. Adonis is willing to kill anyone, including women and children, all because of one life that was thwarted, even those who had no involvement in the original crime. The punishment is logically disproportionate, and the revenge surpasses the biblical "eye for an eye." In my eyes, anyone seeking justice becomes just another crude criminal or terrorist who can't be rooted for. Does any of this even make sense? Does this anime offer any meaning or significance to give me a reason to continue watching, or is it merely an edgefest showcasing gore, gallons of blood, and unnecessary violence without a deeper impact? The last few episodes made me think it might take a certain direction, that Adonis could reach some kind of enlightenment. Similarly, the story hints that everything happens for a reason, even though, in the end, it's just another motivation for another twisted individual like Adonis or the overall corruption of society. Unfortunately, it's not cool; all the violence and perversity feel tiresome, shallow, and overused, losing its impact over time. Morally, it's garbage; animation and music are average at best, the story is weak, and the characters are unlikable. Any positives? Well, the magic in the show introduces a few interesting ideas, like Adonis conjuring those large rotating machine guns seen in the trailer, and magic that multiplies ammunition a thousandfold. Still, I can't give it more than 3/10. I made it to the end in the hope of finding a message, only to realize that a disgusting world breeds disgusting people.


Zanting! Rang Wo Cha Gonglüe (2022) (série) 

anglais It's dumb, it's chaotic, yet surprisingly lively. The series boasts an interesting concept — a story about reincarnation into a world that looks like a video game the hero once played. While I've encountered similar premises, the twist of reincarnating directly into the actual video game, complete with video game mechanics, is a unique take. Chinese creators excel at drawing inspiration from popular games and anime, crafting something new and original, akin to Genshin Impact not being a mere copy of Zelda. Packed with pop culture references, the series cleverly twists video game mechanics, exploring how characters could leverage their gaming tools in the actual game world. Some resulting ideas are entertaining, while others are plain silly. Humor in the series follows a similar pattern — some jokes hit the mark, while others induce an awkward silence. Nevertheless, the energy the series exudes, coupled with the dynamic nature of most characters, managed to keep me engaged. There's always something happening, leaving little room for boredom. While animation-wise it doesn't stand out, being overshadowed by the likes of Genshin Impact, it remains watchable and grows on you after a few episodes. Character overacting wasn't an issue for me, as I watched it with Japanese dubbing, which felt solid and in line with regular anime. Is the plot confusing? The intentional chaos doesn't make it challenging to grasp the main points, and occasional twists even managed to surprise me. Despite not being a child, I found myself enjoying the series, not just for its vibrant visuals and constant action, but also for the plethora of references and the authors' ability to conjure up a slew of crazy, stupid, unique, and weird ideas. 6/10


Goblin Slayer - Season 2 (2023) (saison) 

anglais In the midst of epic events and the journey of a mighty heroine to vanquish the dark society and the lord of demons, a young man and his group persistently carry on with the task of killing goblins. It ain't much but it's honest work. Legends say that wherever Orcbolg shows up, a horde of goblins is sure to follow — dead goblins, to be precise. Rumor has it that when asked on a date, his only concern is, "Will there be goblins?" This is Goblin Slayer, after all — what else did you expect? While the series has multiple standalone stories unfolding in classic Goblin Slayer fashion, I would have preferred one or two narratives with more depth and complexity. The relentless pace of goblin-killing scenarios, ranging from "training of young heroes interrupted by goblins" to "wedding celebrations interrupted by goblins," or even "escorting a priestess to the city interrupted by goblins" left me yearning for a more detailed and cohesive storyline. The narrative often felt like a high-speed train ride, with stories starting and ending abruptly, leaving me with the sense that essential pieces were missing, which the editor not so skillfully removed and left just the bare essentials and some good old goblin slaying. Yet, there's an undeniable satisfaction in witnessing goblin slaying. These unlikable and dangerous creatures, as showcased vividly in the first episode, make for compelling adversaries. Despite the series' warning about potentially disturbing scenes, I found the goblin-slaying acts more gratifying than distressing — perhaps I might have some sadistic tendencies in me, or I might be the next Goblin Slayer. Overall, my enjoyment paralleled that of the first season, even though it presented itself as a collection of fragmented stories. The grand background I described in the opening sentence remains evident, and it feels like a matter of time before everything intricately intertwines. At least it felt like we were really close to that in the last episode. 6.3/10


Tate no júša no nariagari - Season 3 (2023) (saison) 

anglais I won't avoid SPOILERS, so don't read this if you haven't caught up with the series! This season left me with a mix of impressions — thankfully more engaging than the previous one featuring the dull turtle and a questionable multiverse. We do get a dragon this time, though its forced entry into the story feels utterly absurd. The dragon becomes a threat because Naofumi and co. can't keep an eye on its diet, but okay. The storyline shifts focus to the other heroes, but there's nothing particularly noteworthy about them. One takeaway for me was the realization that becoming a wielder of a cardinal weapon seemingly requires a certain level of idiocy. Naofumi is lucky enough to be a one-eyed man among the blind, so he's not such an idiot as spear, sword, and bow. That's it, that's what the charisma of the main character is all about! The main message this season delivers is that the most reliable way to turn a selfish idiot into even a slightly normal person is to shut them up, preferably through some proper Bitch who will drain him, abuse him, and he won't even notice because he's an idiot! Naofumi went through this experience in the first season, but watching the same process unfold with the other heroes in a cookie-cutter fashion was tiring. What's even worse for me is the fact that I didn't enjoy the redemption of these three "heroes" at all. Or do you think they deserve to be in the village now? And Naofumi believes them, lets two of them go home immediately, while when an unknown girl appears at his doorstep, he hesitates to take her to the village, saying he can't trust her. But he starts trusting these idiots immediately after they go through the tragic "Bitch experience" (after all, shared experiences bring people together), and they are all depressed because of that woman, so everyone deals with it by instantly focusing on another woman. And I can't decide whether to put the guy with the spear and his obsession with Filo in the box labeled Pedo or Zoo – but who cares, it's so "hilarious" how he flatters her... And that last episode, what the hell was that? Okay, I can overlook the open shipping of Naofumi and Raphtalia, although I don't like it when the dynamics of relationships in a series change from father/daughter to husband/wife. A bigger problem is that the whole plot for the future fourth season is set in motion because Naofumi and co. don't pay attention to what clothes Raphtalia wears! This is the second time they haven't paid attention to something like this, or rather, the whole exposition and subsequent twist look like they were just made up on the spot! Damn, how I would like to be on the Shield Hero's team and live in his village, the safest place in the whole kingdom – only attacked twice this season. Those damaged houses might be repaired someday... It was a season full of experiences that I'll be laughing about for a few more years, but it wasn't all bad. Animation-wise, it was decent, except for the awkward CGI on the big dragon. Kevin Penkin's music, while commendable, didn't quite reach the heights of his work in Made in Abyss. I even liked the opening part in the colosseum and the rescue/recruitment of more new members to Naofumi's party. Despite all the clutter and a bunch of random plot twists, there's still the right fantasy feel that I expect from such anime, which is why I haven't given up on the hero with the shield yet. However, this season, for me, lands at a maximum of 4.8/10.


Les Quatre Frères Yuzuki (2023) (série) 

anglais A heartfelt tale chronicling the lives of four brothers navigating the aftermath of losing their parents. The narrative delicately explores how each sibling copes with the loss, establishing their roles within the family and unveiling the challenges they face daily. While each brother boasts unique traits, their characters are thoughtfully developed, making their individual journeys relatable. Surprisingly, the six-year-old Gakuto emerges as a mature and sensible figure, a result of being thrust into adulthood prematurely due to the tragedy. His bond with the grandpa-next-door adds a charming layer to the story, highlighting how spending time with older figures can accelerate one's maturity. This reflection, though speculative, seamlessly fits into the narrative, adding depth to the characters. Similarly, Minato, though perceived by some as an annoying and less intelligent boy, reveals himself as a beacon of positivity. His efforts to uplift the spirits around him serve as a coping mechanism, showcasing the nuanced ways each sibling deals with their shared grief. The anime masterfully captures the essence of family dynamics, depicting the siblings' unwavering support for each other and the broader community they inhabit which extends beyond blood ties, involving neighbors who consistently lend a helping hand in times of need. Amidst life's challenges, the series paints a hopeful picture, portraying the world as a kinder place. While the show is enjoyable and offers moments of relaxation, it may not leave a lasting impression in the viewer's memory. Despite its warmth and occasional emotional impact, the lack of dramatic intensity or exceptional entertainment prevents it from becoming truly unforgettable. I couldn't decide until the last episode whether to give it 3 or 4 stars, but the emotional depth and stylistic captivation tipped the scales in favor of the latter. 6.6/10 

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