Les plus visionnés genres / types / origines

  • Action
  • Science-fiction
  • Drame
  • Comédie
  • Mystère

Journal (1)

Muj mily denicku

Muj mily denicku, nasledujici kod musim opravit, takze nebudu mit moc casu na sledovani filmu.


[Int32] $idx

[Int32] $jdx

[Bool] $skip

$skipper = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

$collector = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList

[HashTable] $recordi = @{}

for ($idx = 1; $idx -le $lastRecordID; $idx++) {

Search-DBTableRecordByID -DBName $dbName -DBTableName $dbName -DBTableRecordID $idx -DBTableRecord ([ref] $recordi)

[HashTable] $recordj = @{}


$killer = Compare-Object $skipper $collector

Write-Host "Killer:"


if (($killer -eq $null) -and ($collector -ne $null)) {

Write-Host "This is the end, bitches!"




$skipper.Add($idx) | Out-Null

$collector.Add($idx) | Out-Null

$collector.Add($jdx) | Out-Null

$collector = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList(,($collector | Sort-Object | Get-Unique))


for ($jdx = $lastRecordID; $jdx -ge 1; $jdx--) {

$skip = $false

foreach ($s in $skipper) {

if ($s -eq $jdx) {

$skip = $true




if ($skip) {

Write-Host "Skipping $jdx"




#Search-DBTableRecordByID -DBName $dbName -DBTableName $dbName -DBTableRecordID $jdx -DBTableRecord ([ref] $recordj)

Write-Host "idx:"$idx

Write-Host "jdx:"$jdx

Write-Host -NoNewline "recordj:"

if ($recordi.'file_Hash'.Equals($recordj.'file_Hash')) {

Write-Host "Record no.: $idx is the same as record no.: $jdx is!"

$skipper.Add($jdx) | Out-Null





Le fuseau horaire a été modifié.