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Critiques (335)


True Detective (2014) (série) 

anglais Amazing atmosphere, great script, psychological complexity of the characters, brilliantly delivered by the two lead actors. True Detective is one of the most excellent series not only of this year. A crime thriller to which Se7en pales in comparison.


The 86th Annual Academy Awards (2014) (émission) 

anglais After a year, I finished another almost five-hour marathon, and I don’t regret it at all. Ellen did an excellent job in the role of the host (which took me by surprise, as I’m not exactly her fan). I had fun throughout the whole night/morning, it never got awkward and when something didn’t go quite right - that’s okay, let’s clap anyway. Moving on, the American way. I was happy for Gravity. There was no better movie made in the last year, so I was logically disappointed with the winner of Best Picture. Oh well, a heartbreaking true story is more in tune with Hollywood’s current humanist mood, and Cuarón's blockbuster made way too much money by Oscars’ standards ($ 700,000,000, though 7 awards including one for Best Director was decent consolation). Not to mention The Wolf of Wall Street, a movie which some fragile academic souls won’t be able to swallow for the rest of their lives. What an outrage. DiCaprio is a story in itself - the best contemporary actor still without an Oscar. I don’t think anyone else would deserve it as much as he would. On the other hand, the competition was tough this year. McConaughey was excellent (as well as Leto – incredible for a rock star). When I see him now in True Detective ... well, I get a chill running down my spine just thinking about what he and Nolan have in store for us with Interstellar. I could go on about what I did and didn't like. Let me just sum it up this way. It's a shame that there were no surprises and thus very little suspense. Hopefully, we'll get to see another amazing show next year.


12 Years a Slave (2013) 

anglais I like almost any historical movie, so my expectations were high, but I was also expecting a typical Oscar movie which was exactly what I got, unfortunately. The story is certainly interesting. It makes you think about the kind of assholes people can be. However, it is narrated in an uninteresting way, it was shot too artistically and the choice of the cast was just wrong. I have nothing against most of the actors, but practically none of them fit their character. What’s more, even the greatest stars were overacting. Sure, one or two Oscars are probably in store, but I'm going to root for other, better movies this year. I will mainly remember 12 Years a Slave as the first time in my life when I was disappointed by Zimmer's score, which just isn't right for this and is lifted straight from the soundtrack to Inception.


Thor : Le monde des ténèbres (2013) 

anglais A pretty standard Marvel movie. That is, epic action and an extreme load of humor and self-parody. Unfortunately, it gets confusing and even boring at times, which is a shame. The first installment was an incredible blast, whereas this time I even had to check my watch a couple of times to see how much time was left until the end. However, all the negatives, which are far from few, are outweighed by the positives, most importantly the main characters, with Tom Hiddleston starting to catch up with Cumberbatch. It's simply a good comic book movie with some unforgettable scenes like the subway, or Captain America. The moment when Thor hanged his hammer on a coat rack was simply hilarious.


Hunger Games - L'embrasement (2013) 

anglais Considerably better than the slightly infantile first installment. Despite its length, the movie does not cease to entertain, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. If I hadn't seen these two movies, I would have had the same opinion of this teen series as of the similarly presented Twilight. But not only is this series more sensible, epic, mature, logical and, most of all, watchable, there is also an essential differentiating factor: Jennifer Lawrence - the best actress of the current young generation, because the moment Lionsgate signed her on, they basically hit the jackpot.


Facebook vs. realita (2010) (film amateur) Boo !

anglais I’m not sure what’s more idiotic - those morons on Facebook or this big-budget masterpiece, saving the otherwise miserable 2010 Czech film year, accumulating so many views on YouTube thanks to its deeply philosophical questions and criticism of today's young generation that even that Korean guy must fear losing first place. There hasn’t been a more controversial film on FilmBooster since Turkish Star Wars.


Transformers (2007) 

anglais Never in my life have I seen a movie like this one. A movie that evokes all possible and impossible emotions in just two and a half hours. When I watch Transformers, I’m amused – by absolutely legendary one-liners and heart-rending moments, most often taking place during sunset; I cringe – when hearing some downright idiotic lines and when Megan Fox is trying to act; I'm excited - because even though I know how dumb this movie is, I enjoy it all the same, if not more, even for the tenth time I watch it; I get goosebumps - from the bombastic effects and Jablonsky’s brilliant soundtrack (“Scorponok” and especially “Arrival to Earth”, simply awesome); I’m moved - when the Autobots arrive on Earth accompanied by Jablonsky's “Arrival to Earth”; I'm blown away - by the presence of the duo Fox/Taylor; I'm surprised - that this insane blockbuster cost only $ 150 million; I'm upset - because the academy doesn't see the quality (visual effects) and gives away Oscars to any "artsy" nonsense; and I’m grateful - to Bay, whose each movie, but especially this series, reminds me that some of us will just never grow up.


American Bluff (2013) 

anglais It’s like going to the fanciest restaurant in town. It looks perfect from the outside, the staff look presentable and even the dinner that the chef brings to your table looks scrumptious. But after the first bite you realize that not all that glitters is gold. The food isn’t disgusting but neither is it delicious, it doesn’t smell good or bad. The band playing at your table is not disappointing, but it isn’t impressive either. The service is good, but the waiters look bored and there’s no way they’re getting a tip for their lousy performance. And yet, the restaurant owner expects you to fall in love with the place and be happy to return. Fat chance! The movie cast seems to be a guarantee of quality. Unfortunately, the actors are well aware of that and think they don’t need to make an effort. But they are sorely mistaken. The way Russell directed American Hustle is not just boring, it’s soporific, pointless and needlessly long, and eventually falls flat. Everything is kind of bland, run-of-the-mill, too aimed at experts and film awards, but absolutely indigestible for a regular audience, at least for the non-American one (same as last year's Lincoln). American Hustle is a dull movie with a chance to succeed with experts, but I don't want to see it again. I just don’t see the appeal and I won't even remember it in a week.


Le Loup de Wall Street (2013) 

anglais It’s been a long time since I enjoyed the full 180 minutes of a movie as much as I enjoyed The Wolf of Wall Street. Original, fun, exciting, well thought out, with brilliant acting and overall excellently made. I was having the time of my life for the most part, enjoying the perfect filmmaking, which presented capitalism in all its glory. PS: I don't care who wins the academy awards this year, but DiCaprio showed his best (Oscar-winning) performance, being clearly at the top of his game.


Evasion (2013) 

anglais I expected all kinds of things, but Escape Plan exceeded all my expectations. This was an absolute treat for any fan of 80s action movies, waiting for The Expendables 3. The plot is kind of bland and sometimes lacking in logic, but who cares. When Rambo meets Terminator, what you expect to get are action scenes and iconic lines, and there are more than enough. I enjoyed its whole runtime and there are few movies that I’ve enjoyed this year as much as this one. “I told you. No talent.”