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Critiques (10 850)


Pirates of Tortuga (1961) 

anglais This is more of a family film than an adventure film, let alone an action film. It’s a film that the family can turn on on a Sunday and not even watch it. Maybe if they watch it in parts, they'll be somewhat entertained, but more likely not. The pirates are kind of weak in this rendition, more like silly characters than a threat, which is a concept that didn't sit well with me.


Phinéas et Ferb - Le film (2011) (téléfilm) 

anglais This has some pretty good insanity that I hadn’t seen until I watched this. I missed out on the series, though it's certainly possible to watch it, and I have to say I was intrigued by the film. It has such a pleasantly specific absurd humor, it builds on banal scenes in places, but that absurdity is able to take them to something new. Good, funny, nice and weird.


Patti Cake$ (2017) 

anglais It’s hard to avoid comparisons to 8 Mile, but for a film that looks almost amateurish in places, or at least very independent, I sure as hell liked it. The music develops quite well here and the finale has its own momentum. I didn't mind any of the characters, and in fact it was quite easy to relate to them.


November Criminals (2017) 

anglais Chloë Grace Moretz and Ansel Elgort work well, but the story does not play in their favor. Up until about halfway through the runtime, it looks like it could be quite good, suspenseful, with the potential for an interesting twist, but surprisingly, that never happens and the resolution is very underwhelming. That is a great shame.


Nico La Licorne (1998) 

anglais It’s a fine family film, but you probably won't remember it for long, because it doesn't stand out in any significant way. Except for the fact that there's a unicorn, of course. But otherwise, it's about how the poor kid doesn't fit in, but he finds a dumb-creature friend who is special, and so the bad guys are after him, but the kid saves the animal. It's honestly kind of boring...


My Little Pony : Le film (2017) 

anglais I'm definitely not a fan of My Little Pony, and this was actually my first time seeing it, but I have to admit it wasn't all that bad. I'm not crazy about the characters, but maybe as a musical it's quite enjoyable. With this cartoon, I imagine it might even entertain the kids, which isn't a bad thing and is relevant.


Dancing Day (2018) 

anglais I have to say that at first sight I was impressed by the quality of the filming. I'm not sure how much the filmmakers have done in the past, but this is technically very good, there's some excellent sound and music work, and I was also impressed with the acting for what is supposed to be an improvisation. They're good. I'm into films with a storyline, and this one seemed more lyrical to me, but those who like that style will like it.


Mythica: The Godslayer (2016) 

anglais You can't really expect this series to be a hardcore fantasy, because it's more of a historical film with some CGI effects, but on the other hand, it does a pretty good job of making the sets believable. It may be a low-budget B-movie that’s not that entertaining, but I've actually gotten pretty used to this series and don't mind it. It's almost too bad it's over.


Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle (1994) 

anglais Jennifer Jason Leigh is the star of this film, which is about a certain form of decadence in the jazz age of the United States, as if an entire generation doesn't know where to go and therefore isn't looking for a path, just a way to avoid that path. Surprisingly, it's not as interesting as one would think, unfortunately not even in terms of the acting.


La Guerre des gangs (1973) 

anglais When watching Gang War in Milan, you might wonder if this is going to turn into Italian porn. The look of the actors, and at times the style of filmmaking, would point towards that, but it's actually a mafia film that has pretty good characters, pretty good pacing, and has a bloody flow from start to finish. And it is.