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Critiques (10 850)


From Hell It Came (1957) 

anglais The American movie From Hell It Came is just a 50s B-movie and is thus very stupid and naive in places, and due to its simplicity and naivety, it can be quite charming. It is a straightforward movie some people find funny, although certainly not in any good way. It is obvious why despite the fact it is clearly a B-movie by today’s standards, the movie’s makers were still going for the classification as a science-fiction horror movie.


Jeepers Creepers 3 (2017) 

anglais The American horror movie Jeepers Creepers 3 is not a completely undignified follow-up to the previous two movies as they were not amazing either. However, it still works as a sequel that, although it is not really essential, does sort of come full circle. The main thing is that there is a monster that kills and whether the humans will be able to manage somehow to defeat it. It is gritty and macho, but that is about all there is to it.


Lily Grace: A Witch Story (2015) 

anglais Lily Grace: A Witch Story left me with the bad feeling that this is nothing special concerning American or other horror movies. The problem is not only the screenplay's unoriginality but also how poorly filmed it is. The scenes have no real development, and the poor soundtrack is used badly. These aspects make it feel generally amateurish and also unpleasant.


Dead Shadows (2012) 

anglais The French horror movie Dead Shadows seems quite weirdly atmospheric at first, although it suddenly switches to being explicitly in your face, and I have to say that I really enjoyed that. However, one problem spoils my feeling about the movie significantly, and that is the CGI, stunts, and practical effects, which look pretty awful. However, if you can get past that, you get one hell of a ride.


Blood Myth (2019) 

anglais Blood Myth is an extremely boring British horror movie lacking anything that would somehow give it life about how a woman disappeared. I could not help but think this just might be an interesting movie with suspense, even if the denouement is an anti-climax. However, that just did not happen in this case, as it is simply a very poor attempt at a horror movie.


The Severed Arm (1973) 

anglais The American movie The Severed Arm is a revenge flick, and the question is whether revenge is being taken by the person who was affected or someone else. I could not help but enjoy this movie, and I enjoyed the awesome soundtrack, not so much the music but rather its use as an effect to create atmosphere and the kind of urgency that the movie needed. It works well for me, including the stunts and practical effects.


Little Evil (2017) 

anglais The American movie Little Evil could definitely have been a better comedy and funnier, although it is still worth watching. It is quite entertaining, albeit hardly scary, and you might find some of the characters annoying. Despite that, I still think it is not boring, and by the end, you will even be rooting for the main protagonist. This is an enjoyable and entertaining movie.


Lost Woods (2012) 

anglais The American movie Lost Woods is a production that does not deserve much attention because its makers just did not have the chops to make a decent horror movie. I am still rating it because I liked how they used classic practical effects and stunts rather than CGI. I enjoyed those isolated scenes, and they made the movie tolerable.


Monster Dog (1984) 

anglais The movie Monster Dog plays a lot on the fact that it has a famous singer in the lead role. Alice Cooper is a household name that would subconsciously create certain expectations in the audience. However, It is not very good and too simplistic concerning the horror aspect. It was a calculated move regarding Alice Cooper's involvement, although he is good in it, and there is certainly no shortage of musical numbers, although they work well.


La Morsure du crotale (2019) 

anglais The American movie Rattlesnake is very deceptive. It turns out to be more of a trippy hallucinogenic psychological thriller than a straight horror movie that focuses on a willing woman to do basically anything to save her beloved offspring. It is quite gritty in places, although somehow, I felt like life just went back to normal and nothing more by the end.