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  • Drame
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Critiques (10 850)


Crowsnest (2012) 

anglais The Canadian movie Crowsnest is just another product of the pseudo-genre of found footage. There is just another group of people who accidentally filmed some unfortunate events, and then someone found it and learned about their tragic fate. Crowsnest is so stale I do not think I am capable of seeing anything good about it, as the movie is a waste of time, in my opinion.


Hostile (2017) 

anglais You cannot really tell this movie is Belgian-French and not American. Hostile is very much aimed at an English-speaking audience, which is part of the main joke that brings the characters together. Again, this does not really matter much. However, the bad thing is that the movie is quite predictable, and the end holds no surprises and is not impressive at all.


Nightmare Island (2020) 

anglais The American movie Fantasy Island is a kind of fantasy horror morality tale, although it works quite well as an entertaining production from my perspective. It is, however, quite predictable, and another issue is that it is not particularly imaginative. However, I actually found myself quite enjoying this horror movie as I did not think it was too bad in the end.


La Nuit de la comète (1984) 

anglais The American movie Night of the Comet plays a lot on the fact that this is a comedy, which on the one hand is great because the 80s elements stand out, although, on the other hand, it is quite a problem because you realize that there is nothing more to it than those 80s elements. And that is a great shame. It is very much in the style of John Carpenter, although it is just not that good.


My Friend Dahmer (2017) 

anglais The American movie My Friend Dahmer took an interesting character from true crime and put him in fiction. They then made him a dopey dude who had a hard time in life just because he was different. He turns out to be actually no different than any other similar movie character - and I am staying on the fact that he is primarily a movie character here - that we find in similar movies that focus on the reasons why people murder and are murdered.


Found (2012) 

anglais The American movie Found is an example that even in horror it is possible to make a movie that is about growing up that sticks to that specific genre albeit given it a different drive and have it is characterized by quite interesting characters and a slow pace. Personally, this is something that does not sit all that well with me, so from my perspective, this movie has to settle for an average rating.


Hagazussa - Der Hexenfluch (2017) 

anglais Hagazussa A Heathen's Curse is definitely an atmospheric Austrian-German horror movie. However, I felt like the atmosphere was not so strong due to the pacing. The movie turned out to be mostly about some weird ideas and images of living in solitude and how almost no one talks. Hagazussa A Heathen's Curse left an impression on me, even though it was probably not the impression they were aiming for.


Drones (2019) 

anglais The American movie The Drone is a good example of a low-budget production. However, it is unfortunately not very interesting. There is a part toward the end of the movie when it almost looks like the drone could transform, although it is just left hanging. There was definitely some wasted potential, which is really such a great shame.


Special Effects (1984) 

anglais The American movie Special Effects is a great example of 80s horror, and although there is a series of murders, it is not exactly a slasher movie first and foremost. It is about a disturbed male protagonist who goes after what he wants regardless of the body count, even if people are killed by his hand. The conclusion is quite predictable, although it is more about how they get to the ending, which is really good.


Nightworld (2017) 

anglais The American movie Nightworld succeeds in building a mysterious atmosphere, and the acting is OK. However, it is quite a conservative, bland, and understated movie. Ultimately you still cannot shake the feeling that something is missing, and I could not help but think that the actor playing the dead wife, who still gets a lot of screen time, is just terrible.