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Critiques (2 278)


Barbares (2020) (série) 

anglais These days it’s quite a bold move to make a series about an immigrant who uses the education of the civilized world for the purpose of destroying it. This is certainly one of the best series to come out of Germany, definitely a few cuts above Der Bergdoktor and Inspector Rex: A Cop’s Best Friend. The Barbarians are an ugly bunch with great makeup, while the Romans show off their Latin. The effect is convincing. Rupp gives an excellent performance as the traitorous Roman. And Goursaud steals the second-best scene of all (when she is sacrificed to Wotan!), while the best one is the excellently filmed ambush in Teutoburg Forest, with burning Romans (Obelix would be thrilled) and heads impaled on spears for good measure. The negatives include the huge leaps in time, especially in the last two episodes and the open ending, which intentionally does not tie up the storylines. Apart from that, a good job. Danke.


Les Nouveaux Mutants (2020) 

anglais This is a fairly well-made mutant spin-off, though its delayed release promised nothing better than average despite trying for a while to be more of a psychological horror movie; either the studio talked Boone out of it or I’m just too much of a hardened viewer. The climax is an orgy of tricks reminiscent of a bout of fantasy fisticuffs on acid. I was distracted the whole time, wondering if the lesbian relationship storyline could still be categorized as LGBT or if it was in fact bordering on zoophilia. Roughly comparable to the last X-Men farewell film, Dark Phoenix.


Batman : The Killing Joke (2016) 

anglais Specially adapted for kids, but some extremely rough moments mean that in the end there was no point (I won’t let my daughter watch it before her 18th birthday). The Killing Joke is a story about how Batman breaks his only rule, not that he laughs at the joke. The animated Batman: The Dark Knight Returns shows that this can be done better. Much, much better.


The Mandalorian - Chapitre 11 : L'héritière (2020) (épisode) 

anglais Soup vs. baby Yoda, cephalopod vs baby Yoda. It seems that Yoda has been rightly punished for his love of gobbling eggs, which caused some controversy. The story moves forward significantly and it was a delight to hear references to the Jedi and Darksaber.


Stargate Origins (2018) (série) Boo !

anglais Crappy and amateur; watching this just makes me angry about them canceling Universe. But the idea with the Nazis isn’t at all bad. This stumbled over the miserable acting, bad screenplay and cheap production.


Mother (2019) 

anglais I liked the idea with the destruction of mankind. The mother seemed especially empathetic and had exemplary skills as a caregiver. The middle of the film drags a little, Swank is terribly unpleasant and her daughter often behaves illogically, but it picks up again in the last half-hour. The effects look pretty good too. Textbook Asimov served up in a rather weak form.


Wei lai ji qi cheng (2018) 

anglais A weaker Big Hero 6 with a very nice line about the importance of memory. The visuals are great and the only major flaw is the logical lapses in the behaviour of some of the characters.


BlacKkKlansman - J'ai infiltré le Ku Klux Klan (2018) 

anglais A racist African-American picture based on an incredible true story. Although Spike Lee slightly bungled the dramaturgy and reveals details that are unnecessary for the plot, it’s bearable. The acting performances are excellent, especially Driver as the cop who risks his neck and the great young Washington, who knows how to come across as polite and pissed off all at once.


Tales from the Loop (2020) (série) 

anglais An artsy retro sci-fi with fantastic visuals and captivating music. Each episode is good in a different way, even though they all set out on a similar mystery tour. The loose ends are the most annoying thing here. And the imbalance of the storylines of this otherwise well-made project trip it up a little.


Banshee - Season 1 (2013) (saison) 

anglais A sort of Renegade for the new millennium. The B-grade plot is improved by excellent physical action and interestingly dealt cards. Some things seem rather farfetched, but thanks to the excellent acting, it’s bearable. Starr is amazing.