Art Art Art: The Parthenon of Forbbiden Books by Marta Minujín

  • Argentine Arte arte arte: El partenón de los libros prohibidos de Marta Minujín
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Argentine, 2018, 40 min


Alessio Rigo de Righi


“This Parthenon will be more famous than the one in Greece,” says the eccentric conceptual artist Marta Minujín to the audience and cameras at the opening of her magnanimous artwork at documenta 2017 in Kassel. Her Parthenon of Books, made from hundreds of thousands of books that were banned for different reasons, is a life-size reproduction, establishing a symbolic dialogue with her first Parthenon, made in Buenos Aires in December 1983 following the dark years of the dictatorship. (Mar del Plata International Film Festival)

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