
Matt Fleming (Jason London) can't get it together. His career as a hotshot L.A. lawyer isn't so hot, his financial affairs are a mess, and his frustrating relationship with his girlfriend is weighed down by guilt over his reluctance to commit. Matt isn't exactly the kind of guy one goes to for help, but he's his mother's only hope. She worries that her father Jack (Ed Asner), a hermit in the backwoods town of Acquisition, needs assistance. Agreeing to check up on the old man, Matt heads upstate for what proves to be an eye-opening trip. With no electricity, gas, or phone, Grandpa is nothing if not eccentric. He couldn't be more at peace with himself. For a material guy like Matt, this bare-bones existence is hard to fathom. Then he meets Gwen, a single mother who delivers Grandpa's groceries. She, too, enjoys rural peace, appreciates the elderly man's simplicity, and exposes Matt to the pleasures of a less complicated life--until his complications follow him to town. Matt is faced with a decision that will change his life and the lives of all those he has touched. (texte officiel du distributeur)



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