Cheryl Ediss

Cheryl Ediss


Cheryl Ediss was raised on rock'n'roll and hockey in the great Pacific Northwest. Picking up her parents VHS camera in the 80's ignited her passion for short film and documentary movie making. Art School led her to find her clan, and upon graduation she began producing projects for commercial and non profit clients around the world. Combining her love for art and music, Cheryl works with visual artists and musicians, directing and producing music videos, documentaries and short films. In 2014 Cheryl met Carrie Robinson on the Thunderpussy music video "Welcome To The Disco" and the foundation was laid for their collaboration, "Breathe, Just Breathe". When not working or rocking, she is raising her six-and-1/2-year-old daughter, giving her the tools to become a strong, smart and powerful woman.

Seattle International Film Festival


Courts métrages

Breathe, Just Breathe


Courts métrages

Breathe, Just Breathe