Jesse Bob Harper

Jesse Bob Harper


An Indiana native Jesse headed to Los Angeles after high school to pursue a career in acting, eventually spending over twenty years in the city of angels. After several years, Jesse began pursuing a broader career in the film industry, eventually studying production, financing and screenwriting at U.C.L.A.

Jesse is an award winning filmmaker and screenwriter. Jesse's feature length screenplay Simon of Los Angeles was awarded the 2nd prize by Francis Ford Coppola in the American Zoetrope Screenwriting Contest. Jesse's short film Autoportrait, which he produced and directed, was named best dramatic short at the Dovetail Film Festival and was distributed in Europe by Studio Magazine. Jesse's short form documentary Bob Harper for Commissioner: Or What Makes Bob Run? has been acquired by Ouat Media of Canada for worldwide distribution. Jesse is a member of the Screen Actors Guild and American Equity Association.

Indican Pictures




The Other One